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Average score of 22 user reviews

Beautifully Cohesive 0

Curator Page:'s been a long time since I've played a game whose elements come together as beautifully as Pyre's do.The music, the story, the gameplay. They don't feel like disjointed pieces, but rather one singular entitiy that all move towards the game's vision.Pyre is an arcade-style basketball like sports game, paired with a visual novel set in a fantasy RPG setting. It's weird, but in the right way.For my full thoughts, check out the video re...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Not quite Legendary, but pretty good. 0

Curator Page: Fu Panda Showdown of Legendary Legends is a smash brothers clone, plain and simple.It's biggest flaw is that of controls. Everything is a tad clunky, picking up items especially.If you can look past the somewhat clunky controls, theres a lot of fun to be had here. A simple, fun platforming fighter based on an appropriate franchise. It's a great party game thats well worth the asking price.For my full thought...

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Defenders of Truth 0

Transformers: War for Cybertron is absolutely solid. The pacing of the action sometimes isn't quite up to snuff, and the 30 fps cap really hurts the speed, but everything else is great. Wide open arenas with both vertical and horizontal planes give you a variety of ways to strategize, being able to transform into a vehicle at any time is fluid and fun, and the basic shooting mechanics the game is built on top of just work.For my full thoughts, check out the video review:

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Winter Olympics with Ray Romano 0

Ice Age Continental Drift: Arctic Games is an inch wide and an inch deep. The idea to make a movie tie in game a minigame compilation is admirable. It lets you get a little more focused on a game with a much smaller scope. So why, then, is the execution here so freaking terrible? The game aimed incredibly low, and still didn't hit the bar. Controls for almost all the games are bad. At best, the games a mediocre. For my full thoughts, check out the video review:

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Disney Infinity Prototype? 0

Toy Story 3 has a short and forgettable main campaign, and that is definitely not the reason to be interested in this game. What you SHOULD pay attention to is Woody's Roundup, an open world adventure that exists inside of Toy Story 3. It's fun, different, and is loaded with lots of meaningful content. If you are at all interested in the Toy Story property, this is probably one of the better games to play. For my full thoughts, check out the video review:

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A Console Moba done right? 0

Guardians of Middle Earth does a faithful job at turning the PC genre into something accessible on the controller. It's just a shame that multiplayer games will only ever be as good as their playerbase, and the time for this game has long passed.For my full thoughts, check out the video review:

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A faithful recreation... based on terrible source material 0

Much like the original Sonic games, Sonic Mania is a beautiful game with an awesome soundtrack, wrapped around an absolutely terrible physics platformer. Controlling Sonic feels like guiding a pinball more than it does directly moving a character, and the nonlinear and vertical level design feels confused with the games straightforward speed based gameplay.For my full thoughts, click here for the video review....

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A poor adaptation 0

Take it from a One Piece mega fan, not even I had a good time with this game. Rather than focus on the core combat and exploration, the game pulls itself in too many different directions by trying (and failing) to be Monster Hunter. The obtuse and cumbersome crafting system is made even worse by terrible UI and an over abundance of vendors. The original story tries to create something new, but relies too heavily on existing One Piece arcs and characters. Downed enemies will lie on the ground fo...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Stuck in the past 0

Contrived skill and stat systems, ruthless difficulty, and party based dungeoning. We're back in the 90's, everyone. It's a shame that Divinity takes everything from the 90's instead of picking out the good parts. The combat system here is truly incredible, but all the systems that exist around it really aren't. Buggy quests, terrible writing, obtuse objectives, and awful voice acting make this game far inferior to its Kickstarted competitor, Pillars of Eternity, despite the fact that Divinity ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The worst in an amazing series 0

A terribly designed story mode with repetitive bosses make this by far the worst game in the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm series, but that doesn't make the game bad. A visually diverse roster, simple control scheme, and stunning visuals/animations make the game fun for any fan of Naruto, or flashy fighting games in general.For my full thoughts, click here to see the video review....

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Almost there 0

Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures is almost good enough to be worth your time... almost. This series reboot gives Pac a fun new design as well as cool power up based gameplay. It's sad that the levels are dull and lifeless, and the more exciting boss battles are few and far between.For my full thoughts, click here to see the video review....

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Good ol' Exploration 0

Super Mario Odyssey is a return to the roots of 3D Mario, with a heavy emphasis on exploration. The collectibles are much less prizes for challenges than they are incentives to explore, and the game is better for it. The game's unique transformations and awesome control scheme keep it from getting dull from beginning to end.. to second end... and third end. The bar has been set.For my full thoughts, click here for the video review....

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Magical girls with power tools 0

Gurumin is almost a really charming adventure, but is dragged down by its terrible controls, repetitive level design, and bad platforming sections. There are some glimmers of greatness that shine through in the fun premise and wholesome world, but many other games can give you those feelings without the terrible gameplay here.For my full thoughts, click here for the video review....

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A more technical Dark Souls 0

Nioh is absolutely carried by its combat. A variety of different weapons and tons of different moves for each give you ample tools to tackle every fight, and the stance system will make it hard to go back to Dark Souls combat. Its a shame that the game is brought down by a nonsensical story and overly punishing difficulty, with no option to turn it down.For my full thoughts, click here for the video review....

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A product of its time 0

I think a lot of my complaints about this Ninja Turtles game could be leveled against almost all NES games. Brutal difficulty and weird enemy spawning rules make it tough to sit down and actually enjoy this game. An interesting take on lives and a decent sense of space are some of the only positives this game has going for it.For my full thoughts, click here for the video review....

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Ambitious but flawed 0

An awesome and unique metal inspired world is brought down by a seriously bizarre gameplay direction. What starts out as a fun action adventure game quickly turns into a monotonous and poorly executed real time strategy. I've never loved a 3/5 game as much as I have this one, it has some of the highest highs brought down by the lowest lows, and I really hope a sequel gets made one day. It's a shame Brutal Legend is worth playing despite it's ambitious RTS mechanics, and not because of them.For m...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A confused, bloated, and clunky mess 0

War and Warriors Joan of Arc is a classic example of a game trying to be too many things, and failing to execute well on any of them. It's a hodge podge of RTS and Dynasty Warriors style mechanics with levels that are far too large. Controls are stiff, and don't even get me started on the mounted combat.For my full thoughts, click here for the video review....

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Not your traditional beat em up 0

Looks can be deceiving. Don't be fooled into thinking that this game is a traditional beat em up like so many other turtles games, this is actually a really simplified strategy game, almost like Pikmin. Your turtles need to play as a team, and relying on the AI to do that for you isn't going to be enough, expect to take full control of all four turtles yourself.Flat animations and wet mop sound effects keep the game from being truly great, but its incredible voice cast and fun costume based prog...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A well executed martial arts romp 0

This side scrolling beat em up is a GBA hidden gem. Animations are varied and fluid, spritework is incredibly well done, and the campaigns for each turtle are unique. There is sadly no semblance of fighting as a team, despite the fraternal nature of the show this is a mostly solo adventure.For my full thoughts, click here for the video review....

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Dig Dug meets Metroid... meets Motherload 0

Steamworld Dig is a short and concise adventure that focuses heavily on it's core risk reward gameplay loop. It's fun while it lasts, but lack of a New Game+ mode or any other semblance of post game content makes it feel like half a package.For my full thoughts, click here for the video review....

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A faithful recreation 0

OK K.O. Let's Play Heroes is another incredible addition to Cartoon Network's stellar video game adaptations. The world and presentation will draw in the most adamant cartoon fans, as well as the casual watcher. This great presentation is wrapped around an incredibly solid beat em up. What the game lacks in variety, it makes up for in charm and touching character stories.For my full thoughts, click here for the video review. ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Why does this exist 0

Super Noah's Ark is an interesting piece of history, but its fun and weird idea is marred by some pretty terrible execution. The samey level design has you running through endless identical corridors to find keys and doors, and the map does not do a good enough job guiding you through this process. Perhaps more importantly, the combat is terrible. Projectiles lack animations, which means there is a serious lack of feedback on whether or not you're actually hitting your enemy. Just stick with Doo...

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