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Backtracking through a dungeon.

I was running through Valthume a few nights ago getting some vials. Everything seemed to be going well except for the spiders. As an arachnophobe I don't like it when the spiders show up. I know this is silly, but I usually have to pause the game and resort to everything I have to be destroy them from a distance. (Seriously, I used to use the rocket launcher to kill spiders back in Resident Evil because I wanted them to die immediately) Some of the Draughs were tough, but I think I have killed all of them. Alas, there seems to be one problem: one of the vials has ended up on top of a vertical tomb and I can't reach it. I've tried shooting it to get it to move, but that doesn't work. I've tried shouting at it, but that hasn't worked either. I'm out of options that I can think of. I know there is a telekinesis spell out there, but it is an adept level spell and I am a melee user. So it seems like it would take me a long time to get the spell, and it still might not work.

Which means I am entertaining the idea of redoing the entire dungeon (spiders and all!) in order to get the one vial. It kind of feels silly, and I'm not usually one who has to do everything in the game. I am avoiding the thieve's guild stuff because my character doesn't really sneak well. He just wants to run in and bash things. But for some reason I am having a hard time walking away from the quest, knowing that the vial is right there.

Thoughts? Should I redo the dungeon? Move on? Is there an option to get the vial I haven't thought of yet? We'll see what the internet has to say. Until then I'm going to have to do something else with my spart time other that Skyrim.