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Mojave Wasteland adventures (part 2)

Jumping back, I have to recap:

-I'm a handsome black man in-game w/ purple hair

-Everyone around me's a racist

-I need to shoot/blow shit up

Rough Neckin'

After basically gettin' a "Hell no" from Easy Pete on the explosives and a few things from Doc Mitchell and Chet on the cheap, I decided to walk around out in the desert for a bit. Shit... I thought the old man would've wanted to help a brother in need. The damned old fool doesn't think I know enough about EXPLOSIVES? WELL... I'll show him. Whilst walking around in the dark, I came across a pack of Gecko and opened up on them, seeing as they were attacking me head-on. During this battle, I found my Varmint Rifle to be degrading a bit on me. Oh well- thing was a piece of shit to begin with. After taking those green bastards down, I walked up a hill for a bit and discovered a place called Wolf Radio. It was abandoned when I came across it, littered with bent beer cans, scrap electronics, and caps. Creepy as hell, too.


Continuing along a cliff wall, I noticed what looked like a town in the distance. As I approached the limits of the area, I was almost knocked on my ass by some dumbass white NCR trooper. He told me that the town was off limits. I asked where I could go to ask someone about what was going on. He pointed me to some LT Hayes in a tent up the highway. As I entered, I found him just FEELING up a gal in there who wished for a Nuclear Winter. Why ANYONE wishes for that is still beyond me. Anyways, I got to talking with this LT. Apparently, this mission was botched by bad intel- some prisoners from a correctional facility had gotten loose and were causing havoc in the area. The NCR thought they'd be no big deal. Too bad they were better equipped than they were. Sounds like something I did in my youth. Anyways, turns out these "prisoners" are actually a splinter group of those damned Powder Gangers I was asked to deal with in Goodwill Springs! However, these guys are just as ill-supplied as the NCR here, so MAYBE dealing with them shouldn't be a problem.

Short, but sweet this week. I'll have more later on.

NOTE TO MODERATORS: This is only getting posted to the main board for initial exposure. Once its stay has been run over (2 days from now), then you may move it to the proper boards at will.