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Hindsight: 3/4/13 - Fucking Hundreds

Recently, I haven't played too many new games. Other than:

Hundreds - Dabbled (Awesome concept. But it's damn hard.)

Other than Hundreds, I've been playing more Skyrim with the Orkvahkiin and playing League of Legends like I usually do on a regular basis.

Skyrim: I managed to reach Level 50 as Titus, and I got the Master achievement on Steam. Finally! Also, I've picked up One-Handed weapons along with a shield. I use the Breaker combo, and by that I mean I use the Dawnbreaker and the Spellbreaker in perfect harmony. Meridia's and Peryite's power combine into excellence.

LoL: Quinn came out recently. Compared to all of the champions that come out super over-powered on release, she seems very tame. People keep saying that "she should build into a bruiser" in theory, and yet I've not once seen that work out successfully. I don't disagree with the idea, in fact it should work. I'm just saying I've never seen it work.

A friend and I have been working on an incredibly strong duo bot pair with two bruisers, Pantheon and Renekton. How strong is it? Strong enough to carry 5 ranked games to victory in a row. Double stuns, Renekton's ridiculous Ruthless Predator damage, Pantheon's excellent Spear Shot harass as well as his awesome Heartseeker Strike passive to finish off low health enemies... It works too well. The only somewhat counter to this from a ADC/Support perspective seems to be "pick Taric", and that's about it. It isn't a direct or even hard counter, but killing either enemy isn't anywhere as easy as before. By the way, thanks bot lanes who had Nidalee support. You guys were a treat. Pretty sure my last game I went Pantheon bot I went 21/8.

My friend had Bloodfury Renekton. I got Perseus Pantheon recently, to match the skin swag. Also, I got Big Bad Warwick. Now my Magewick top has some swagger as well.

That's about it for now. Stay tuned!

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