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How people can tolerate this much stupidity baffles me.

Woman charged in Facebook Feud case.

 This is the moron who endangered her 3 year old  child.
 This is the moron who endangered her 3 year old child.
   I don't like to write about serious things normally since I mainly like to use my writing to make people laugh and to just jot down my ideas but this is a news story I felt like people should hear about. 
     The story is that two women had been arguing on facebook for awhile about some convict that they both liked, he might be a great guy who made a mistake so who are we to judge that, most girls argue over guys anyway. What blows my mind is what came about from it all. The ladies names were Torrie and Danielle. So Torrie is driving around with her three year old child in the car, when she saw Danielle and a friend driving next to her. Most of you would assume that this situation just turned into a really loud argument followed by some noise complaints, but you'd be wrong. Torrie, in a fit of brilliance, decided the best decision would be to start chasing Danielle. Danielles friend, acting on normal human instincts i'd imagine, started trying to get away by speeding up.
       Torrie never let up on the gas and eventually they were both moving at 100mph before they passed an off duty cop who decided he should attempt to pull them over. I'm sure you can guess that they didn't listen and kept on trucking. Eventually Danielle, while still being chased by Torrie, ran a red light and hit a dump truck, flipping the truck and killing herself in the process. Now I don't know if you remember but during all of this Danielle had a friend driving the car (who is now in the ICU and recovering), while Torrie had a THREE YEAR OLD CHILD in the car with her. 
 I don't really know how you could flip this monster with a normal car though.
 I don't really know how you could flip this monster with a normal car though.

       The amount of stupidity and idiocy present between these two morons makes someone like DeeDee from Dexters Laboratory look like Albert Einstein. It just amazes me that this woman Torrie thought it was worth risking the lives of 3 adults and a child to win the love of a convicted felon. A three year old child, If someone doesn't demand that this woman loses custody of her child then my faith in humanity is going to be lowered by a lot, Hopefully we can get it out of her hands and into a capable and loving family that won't drive at 100mph and run stop lights with it in the car. 
       Danielle and her friend do seem smarter but not by a whole lot, they also appear to be innocent of any actual crimes here. They were speeding to get away from a lunatic woman who probably wouldn't hesitate to physically hurt them. We do know that when Danielles friend crashed, Danielle was on the phone with 911 explaining the situation so at least someone had the common sense to warn the cops someway. What really makes me angry is that Torrie, after causing all of this using only her incredible amount of stupidity, so far doesn't have to pay for Danielles funeral. Instead Danielles family had to hold a car wash the day of Torrie's trial. If I ever find a way to donate to the family of Danielle for the funeral I gladly will, she may have acted stupidly by arguing over a man in prison on Facebook but the role she played in how she died is tragic and This Torrie Emery, in my honest to god opinion should be paying for the funeral.


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Edited By Mario2544

Woman charged in Facebook Feud case.

 This is the moron who endangered her 3 year old  child.
 This is the moron who endangered her 3 year old child.
   I don't like to write about serious things normally since I mainly like to use my writing to make people laugh and to just jot down my ideas but this is a news story I felt like people should hear about. 
     The story is that two women had been arguing on facebook for awhile about some convict that they both liked, he might be a great guy who made a mistake so who are we to judge that, most girls argue over guys anyway. What blows my mind is what came about from it all. The ladies names were Torrie and Danielle. So Torrie is driving around with her three year old child in the car, when she saw Danielle and a friend driving next to her. Most of you would assume that this situation just turned into a really loud argument followed by some noise complaints, but you'd be wrong. Torrie, in a fit of brilliance, decided the best decision would be to start chasing Danielle. Danielles friend, acting on normal human instincts i'd imagine, started trying to get away by speeding up.
       Torrie never let up on the gas and eventually they were both moving at 100mph before they passed an off duty cop who decided he should attempt to pull them over. I'm sure you can guess that they didn't listen and kept on trucking. Eventually Danielle, while still being chased by Torrie, ran a red light and hit a dump truck, flipping the truck and killing herself in the process. Now I don't know if you remember but during all of this Danielle had a friend driving the car (who is now in the ICU and recovering), while Torrie had a THREE YEAR OLD CHILD in the car with her. 
 I don't really know how you could flip this monster with a normal car though.
 I don't really know how you could flip this monster with a normal car though.

       The amount of stupidity and idiocy present between these two morons makes someone like DeeDee from Dexters Laboratory look like Albert Einstein. It just amazes me that this woman Torrie thought it was worth risking the lives of 3 adults and a child to win the love of a convicted felon. A three year old child, If someone doesn't demand that this woman loses custody of her child then my faith in humanity is going to be lowered by a lot, Hopefully we can get it out of her hands and into a capable and loving family that won't drive at 100mph and run stop lights with it in the car. 
       Danielle and her friend do seem smarter but not by a whole lot, they also appear to be innocent of any actual crimes here. They were speeding to get away from a lunatic woman who probably wouldn't hesitate to physically hurt them. We do know that when Danielles friend crashed, Danielle was on the phone with 911 explaining the situation so at least someone had the common sense to warn the cops someway. What really makes me angry is that Torrie, after causing all of this using only her incredible amount of stupidity, so far doesn't have to pay for Danielles funeral. Instead Danielles family had to hold a car wash the day of Torrie's trial. If I ever find a way to donate to the family of Danielle for the funeral I gladly will, she may have acted stupidly by arguing over a man in prison on Facebook but the role she played in how she died is tragic and This Torrie Emery, in my honest to god opinion should be paying for the funeral.
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Edited By meteora

Well that's pretty fucked up... I mean I knew women argue over stupid things, but this is beyond all stupidity that I can comprehend.

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man dat convict was mad hot though

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Edited By bravetoaster

Damn. I have the feeling that this bitch is going to say she is insane or some shit. I'm glad the child's okay. 
BTW The chick kind of looks like Buu  

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Edited By Mario2544
that's being generous
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that's more like her
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Edited By Terry_Bogard

Uh, I skimmed through that last paragraph.... so... did the kid die too? That'd be a bummer if he did =[ 
Edit: Aww.. I'm all confused =\ I though you said the lady with the kid died? >,< 

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What a bunch of fucking fucks.

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Edited By bravetoaster
@Mario2544:  Damn, you're right. LMAO 
@Terry_Bogard said:
" Uh, I skimmed through that last paragraph.... so... did the kid die too? That'd be a bummer if he did =[ Edit: Aww.. I'm all confused =\ I though you said the lady with the kid died? >,<  "
Come on, I know you can do it. Put on that thinking cap!
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Edited By DrPockets000

Sounds like Danielle is a major sucker.

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Edited By Jeffsekai

holy fuck...

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Edited By Ravenousrattler

its sad to hear such things and its a shame these people must exist

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Edited By ozzdog12
People as individuals are smart and ingenious, but people as a whole are scarce and ignorant
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Edited By kishan6

wow... that is completely and utterly horrible 

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Edited By Terry_Bogard
@Axxol: Lost interest =\
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Edited By Mariek430

and a contestant for this year's Darwin awards goes to....