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I'm unsure of what's going on here.

Welp, yesterday was Canada day and I wasn't out celibrating. I've had some friends over to my place lately and late nights of Spelunky had caught up.

It's been a hard week, however - and far harder for those facing the crazyness that has ensued.

To be completely honest: congrats Giant Bomb, I'm really excited for what the new hires are going to bring to the site! I betcha everything's going to be as fantastic and I completely trust (as I did when Patrick was hired) in these decisions.

And as happened when Patrick was hired, this tide came crashing down. Everyone's faced it well.

The larger conversation is the thing though: I watched the news break with the Sore Thumbs stuff, something that I started watching after Maddy Myers had talked about her songs with Patrick on that podcast. I've been reading her writing since hearing about the Metroid songs she produced and found that I really like her writing style. I haven't had a chance to read her newest critique on the state of games journalism - I got the run down from the fantastic Isometric podcast she's apart of, however.

The work she's doing is fantastic, and what ensued on Canada Day was just so missing the point while bringing up a whole set of broader issues that my fellow audience just can't address properly without shouting down those they are in open discussion with.

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