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Most Anticipated Games of 2011

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  • Those faces! Seriously though, this has to be the first game I have ever seen where I actually find the character believable. I am also a huge proponent in that games are a viable and interesting way to tell stories if done properly. Hopefully this game can help improve game story telling. While gaming must find its own story telling methods I still find myself being more immersed and emotionally affected in a good movie than a good game.

  • I love popcorn entertainment when done right. Gears, while cheesy, cliche, and at times face palm worthy, does a fantastic job of providing fun mindless gameplay with a story that is easy to follow.

  • The Witcher was a great, but flawed game. I don't think I have ever seen a developer put so much effort into improving a sequel. Tip of the hat.

  • The first game controlled like butter. Everything felt right, the game just needed more game. That being said, every piece of footage I have seen look action packed and diverse.

  • If the rumors are true and we do in fact has a revamped Halo CE coming out this fall then I will com-bust.

  • Everyone gamer I know marvels at Uncharted 2. I actually preferred the first in the series. That isn't to say that Uncharted 2 was a bust, it was great but I felt at times that I was going through the motions with my hand being held the whole time. Most things about Uncharted 2 were great, though I preferred the B movie approach of the first. If Uncharted 3 has that Indiana Jones B movie feel and an expanded sandbox than I'll be one happy treasure hunter.

  • As a huge Forza 2 fan I was a little disappointed by Forza 3, it was a nice package but the focus on cars felt a little reserved. If that Forza 4 promotional video is any indication of the games content then a new racing king we may have.

  • Battlefield 2 is arguably one of the best mutliplayer shooter to grace the PC. It has been a long time coming, but it looks like the wait has paid off. PC is even the lead platform in this day and age. WOW.

  • I'm not sure that I'll play this game much, but I'm very interested in seeing what the remains of Infinity Ward can do with the franchise. Is this going to be the same exact formula or have Activision and their developers opted to try new things?