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Thanks for everything, Ryan.

I've been trying to write something since I heard the news of Ryan Davis's passing, but it's been difficult for me to put my thoughts into words. Many others have wrote heartfelt and touching things, and I don't think I can be as eloquent as they have been. But it's important to me that I try to say something.

Around the time when Giant Bomb was founded, I was going through some rough times, and I was depressed. The thing that helped me get through those times was Giant Bomb - it was a constant I could always rely on. It didn't matter how down I felt or how difficult things were, Giant Bomb was always there to provide a laugh and lift my spirits. Having something positive I could fall back on was immeasurably important and comforting to me. I've been watching quick looks and listening to the Bombcast regularly over these past five years, and they have never failed to cheer me up.

Ryan was a large part of why I loved Giant Bomb. In some ways, he was Giant Bomb. His repertoire with Jeff and the other guys was one of the defining characteristics of the site. He brought an enthusiasm and energy that pretty much defined the Bombcast and much of the site's other content. He was really damn good at what he did, and it showed.

He had a fun, genuine and unique personality that I admired. He seemed to have an enthusiasm for living and a love for making people laugh. He was constantly hilarious, and always enthusiastic about it.

I admired the way he was always genuine in his interests. I couldn't imagine him ever faking an interest in something. If something didn't work for him, you could tell immediately, and he was able to articulate exactly why he didn't like it. But when he was passionate about something, you could feel the energy he had for that thing. You knew he loved it, and it made you want to love it. He inspired me to be vocal about the things I love, and be genuine about myself and my interests.

He could be professional and intelligent about super dumb stuff in a way I didn't think was even possible. He knew exactly how far to go with a dumb joke, and expertly avoided crossing the line. It was a really impressive skill.

There's so many other things I loved about Ryan. His sense of humor. His enthusiasm for things. His laugh. He could talk about anything and make it hilarious and memorable. He was genuine in everything he did. When he was rude or mean, he usually did so with a kind of humorous sincerity you couldn't help but love. He could be fun, mean, friendly and boisterous all at the same time. He had a real talent for just being a magnificent, lovable asshole.

Through the site, Ryan brought a lot of joy and laughter into my life. The news of his passing has deeply affected me in a way that I have trouble putting into words. As much as this has hurt for me, I can't imagine the difficult times that Ryan's family and friends are going through. My thoughts are with them. And for Jeff, Vinny, Brad, Drew, Alexis, Patrick, Alex, Matt, and everyone else at Giant Bomb, thank you guys so much for what you do.

Ryan brought a lot of joy and laughter into my life and I'll always remember him. Thanks for everything, Ryan.

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