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Edit # Wiki page Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
141205 New Game Game The game is a relatively unknown relative of the even more unknown Tecmo World Cup series. With this added, the chronology of the series can be fully fleshed out. 11/30/20 09:58AM 10 approved
141091 Tecmo World Cup '98 Game Converted lists to tables because the bullet points do not appear in the final version of the wiki 11/29/20 08:50PM 26 approved
141014 Tecmo World Cup '98 Game Added information about teams and support moves 11/28/20 10:17PM 160 approved
141013 Tecmo World Cup '98 Game Added super combo because the game features various special moves, triggered by pressing multiple buttons together. 11/28/20 09:22PM 2 approved
140326 Tecmo World Cup '98 Game Added other games made by Tecmo 11/23/20 08:19AM 12 approved
140325 Super Shot Soccer Game Added related games, especially those made my Tecmo 11/23/20 08:15AM 10 approved