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Indigo Prophecy brings the rage!

Warning:  This blog post will contain profanity unless Giant Bomb Gestapo have implemented a filter system.  You have been warned.  Avert your eyes, sensitve readers!

I find myself now getting into the bat-shit crazy plot of Indigo Prophecy.  That being said, this post is to complain miserably about one particular sequence where either the game designers are at fault, or my controller is a piece of shit. 

So, I'm playing on PC, but using my Logitech controller since the game was clearly designed with dual sticks in mind.  The "Simon Says" QTEs scream out for using the sticks, and now that I'm playing more, they're getting easier as the game goes on.  Still occasionally it seems they ignore my input, or mark it wrong when I damn well know it was right. (or left, or up, or down).  Now, this is where my doubts about my controller creep in.  I've never had problems with the Logitech before, but I still have doubts planted in my mind.  Given that it's worked for everything else, why should I go buy an X-bo 360 controller for double the price unless I'm guaranteed it will work better...

Anyways, to the rage:  So playing the other night, I managed to feel totally bad-ass as I whooped numerous cops asses, sucessfully dodged through incoming traffic (on foot, no less), and then swung off a police helicopter, onto a subway and escaped.  Dude , I was totally bad-ass.  Except that then, when I wanted to get to my ex-girlfriends apartment and had to sneak around the cops, I was reduced from tense to stressed, to depressed to overwrought, to dead.  And the culprit?  A motherfucking drain pipe.  Climbing is supposed to be a simple, repetive, push the stick to one side and curl up, then do it with the opposite direction.  Over and over and over to climb the worlds tallest drainpipe.  Problem is, 1/3 times my controller would not accept my movements, and plunge me off the drainpipe.  Clearly this caused our hero to have a horrible flashback to failing rope-climbing in gym class, and thus his psyche was hurt, and suicide was not far away.  Over and over and over.  Fuck you, Indigo Prophecy!  My goddamn bad-ass can swing of a helicopter onto the motherfucking subway, but he can't climb a goddamn drainpipe?!!  Fuck you!

After managing to completely destroy myself thrice, I quit the game and barely managed to avoid hurling my controller across the room.  Calmed myself down and came back later and switched to keyboard/mouse control. 

Keyboard/mouse felt horribly awkward for moving about the world, but was enough to get me to the dreaded drainpipe.  3 attempts later, (no deaths), I had the mouse controls for climbing mastered and was on my way.  Promptly switched back to the controller since the PC version apparently won't let you use both, and promptly found out I woudl then have to climb down another drainpipe.  Shit.  Decided that falling wouldn't be so bad, so naturally I failed.  Luckily, you can't fall upwards!

Here's hoping to no more goddamn fence-climbing. 

Of course, now I shall question the need for a new controller incessantly...