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Average score of 3 user reviews

Space Candy 0

I'll preface this review by saying that I'm hesitant to call myself a Star Wars fan. Through a combination of being born in the early 90's, having a dad who was really more of a Star Trek guy, and not having the patience for movies as an adult, I've only seen Episodes I - III. I haven't watched The Mandalorian. I don't even get why people are so into Baby Yoda, aside from "Baby Yoda" being a great punchline to 40+ years of Star Wars. My most in-depth knowledge of Star Wars lore comes from a Wei...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Legend of the West 0

I picked up Red Dead Redemption shortly after I heard it was playable through backwards compatibility on the Xbox One. It was one of those games that I had seen my brother play a lot growing up, and even tried myself, but never found myself fully invested in it. Maybe finishing Grand Theft Auto V finally taught me how to play and enjoy a Rockstar title. I never really played the GTA games as a kid and didn’t enjoy Grand Theft Auto IV–I was too bewildered and overwhelmed by the sheer ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

An occasionally janky delight 0

Me and racing games go way back. I remember turning 7 in February of the year 2000. My siblings and I had just gotten our very first video game console, a PlayStation, the Christmas before. A few close relatives were at our house celebrating, and there were gifts arranged in front of the fireplace. I had already learned to identify the PlayStation jewel cases by their silhouettes (Christmas has some Overwatch elements to it), so I immediately noticed that my grandfather, who had never so much as...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.