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GOTY 2012

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  • I wish storytelling and characterization could be as good in all games as it is in this one. For a game with so little "game-play" this game sure stuck in my head for longer than so many others after an episode length's of a play session. Well-deserved of all the other critical acclaim it has been getting - this game actually affected me emotionally at several points. Everyone needs to play this.

  • People say Borderlands 2 doesn't have that great of "shooting" for it being a "shooter" and all. I disagree - I think most of the time it's fantastic. Sure, not every gun you come across is going to work for you, but that constant chase is what keeps things interesting. Anyway, I've put more time into this game than any other this year, and I love a silly game that doesn't take itself seriously. I've had so much fun in it for the 150+ hours I've put far.

  • Like The Walking Dead, this game got to me emotionally. All that needs to be said is no matter who you are, play this game. It's beautiful.

  • If you were to ask me if Diablo III were to be my game of the year the year it was announced (2008 I believe?) I would of said "without question." It's 2012 though. And while Diablo III had that incredibly refined, polished game-play we all demanded from it, it was still a bit of a disappointment for me. I still put an extreme amount of time in it, and will likely not uninstall it for years but, when I look back at it - I still hoped there would be a little something more to it. Still a fantastic game, regardless.

  • SSX was one of those games that I was unsure about pretty much up until the moment it was released. I was hoping for SSX3 (my favorite in the series) in HD, basically. While I didn't get exactly that - certain aspects were tweaked and modernized, I still played this game for more than two months straight. I made a ton of custom soundtracks specifically for this game. I feel like I mastered it - and while I'll never be #1 on every run on the leaderboards - that's okay. I'll always have a reason to hit the slopes again.

  • The finale of without question the greatest trilogy of this generation. It was impossible for me to play through it and not be stirred by the game's ending discussion, (though it took me almost two months to play through at my pace) this game is still great and I put way more time into the multi-player than I had expected to. While I sort of wished I had waited for the more interesting DLC to drop, there was no feasible way I was waiting for that to happen. I will give this game a second playthrough someday, but no time soon. I'm just not ready.

  • This is the only game on the list with an ending credit roll that I have not beaten. I waited for the PC version which I felt was for the better. I heard reports of terribly frustrating missions and bugginess. Thus far, I have encountered a handful of frustrating aspects but, having played through every single of the other mainline Assassin's Creed games on the Xbox 360, I am quite will acquainted with the series and thus adequately prepared for its flaws. This game just "feels" big, there is so much to it and I don't yet have a grasp on it all. The game is definitely "uneven" in parts, but the great things that are there are truly great.

  • I only tried this game in the first place because of all the discussion of a possible free-to-play game that wasn't terrible. I was very pleasantly surprised - I still play a match or two of this game near every single day. The only money I have dumped into this game is $5 nearly six months after its released. It is without doubt the best $5 I've spent all year.

  • I didn't expect to actually pick this one up. I heard great things about the PC version but, I was not very big into the True Crime series back in the day. This was more than half off within a few weeks of release and I'd heard nothing but good things so I took a chance - which paid off. This game was just a joy to play. Sure there was nothing original about it, but it was so well-executed and technically beautiful it was hard to put down.

  • I like games that have 'Zelda' dungeons in them. Those games are almost all just The Legend of Zelda games. This game would be higher on my list, but I experienced a bit of bugginess half way through that halted my progress for months, which was very unfortunate. I just wrapped it up recently though and while the latter half of the game was not the high point for me, it was still great to trudge through so many Zelda dungeons in a game with such an interesting art style.