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I'm wondering, is this a resurgence of awesome 80's movies by having women be dumb asses and be invincible, and say stupid fucking likes line "STICK AROUND" after they throw a knife at someone?

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I got it, I walked out of "Jurrasic Park 2" where the dinosaurs over-run the city, Just get a few shotguns at minimum, at worst a few M249 belt fed machine guns, DONE.

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@mentalaspants said:

(Forwarning, i'm using ' = Foot, and converting from meters you damn heathens! So if i get measurements wrong, then you only have me to blame, also your dumb imperial system)

Yeah, my brother is building a massive new house, 600' squared two story, overlooking an water inlet in Queensland Australia, and it has its own dock for his 38' Sea Cruiser.

I'm doing most of the Ethernet wiring, getting help for the Electrical. But My brother and his missus (like most newly wed with babies), have 0 interest in VR. They don't even care about netflix, they just watch braodcast tv or ask me to snaggle them a movie once and a while.

Yeah, it tough to know what you need or shoudl do. My thinking is to put in Ethernet for sure, but leave room in the conduit to pull more wires or fiber. That is my new theory. You put in what is good now, but you leave clear paths and "maintenance opening" to pull, push, or drag they new technologies they have in 15 years.

Yeah for future proofing i'm putting Cat6E through the house as standard but twisted pair copper wire is beginning see the end of its usefullness, I'm trying to get him to put Ethernet and Fibre to each bedroom and entertainment room.

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@schnoo said:

I liked West World but it has terrible pacing. For long periods of time nothing happens, there is no character development, no world building and the plot goes nowhere. I haven't watched it in a while but I think there are one or two episodes that could have just been cut and the show would have been a lot better.

Yeah but schnoo, they show a heap of desert... See its massive, but it seems after what 12 years no one has ever tried just riding N/S/E/W....

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I also started with 4 and loved it. It has the best balance of goofy characters and fun gameplay. 5 is definitely way more fun from a gameplay perspective, but the writing isn't nearly as good. Its just not as endearing as the others. It has its moments, just its inherently not nearly as fun of a story. But I wouldn't recommend any of Disgaea for the story/writing alone. Its good as set dressing, just now what I'm here for.

People swear by Disgaea 1, but I found it such a slog to play. Those early games make it really hard to field a variety of units without it becoming more of a grind. Things like the cheat shop, squads/symbols, made 4/5 way easier and more fun to play. Anyway, 2 was the game where it actually clicked for me(I think its better paced) and 4 was the first one I actually finished. So yea I lean toward getting 5. Most of the fun in those games is messing with systems and that game has the most of them.

@iamterics, I can get why thats your fav, they are so different in narrative, speaks to each of us differently.

Yeah I bought disgaea 1 on PSP , Yes ps2 was first, but I collect Disgaea, i'm weird, used to collect dumb shit like snes, nearly had a CIB pal set), then ps2, and again on Steam, I collect what matters to me, theres plenty of wankers pretending to PRESERVE games that make their livelyhood from it.

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Meh, always had BBS's, HTTP, Kazaa, eDonkey, then VPN and love it :)

I preview online, and if its good I pay for a ticket. Much like Video games ;)

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#10  Edited By MentalAsPants

Ok then, i'll start, I have 3 songs that get me pumped, OG (Late 80's, early 90's)

Black Box - Ride on Time :

Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch - Good Vibrations :

Gonna make you Sweat - C&C Music Factory :

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