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My Room - pt1

After seeing Player1s room, I wanted to show you my apartment too. The only friend I could borrow a camcorder from is pretty sick at the moment, so I tried to record it with my cellphones cam. The quality is pretty rubbish (as is my commentary *g*), so I decided not to post it. I took some pictures instead (again with my cell), and am going to post them tomorrow.


On getting old...

Man, I am getting old ;)

I played Castle Crashers the other day, and finished everything before sailing away but the industrial castle, as I just didn't get it, how to open the door. When I was told I was not muscular enough I started repeating levels to get EXP to boost my strenght. When my strenght was almost full, I held my strongest sword in hand ..and still, I wasn't muscular enough. And eating a sandwich and banging on the door wouldn't help too... I was close to ask for help around here, when (by accident only) I pushed the right button and opened the door. 

It's situations like that, when I am sure it wouldn't have been a problem solving immediatly a couple years ago. 

Now I played the spaceship-lvl 6 times and didn't made it to the end in time... I put down the controller frustrated as I got to go to bed anyway. But once again... I am sure, that I would have finished the level in the first run, couple years ago.
I am a trained gamer, I shouldn't have a problem, with a game like Castle Crashers :)

Happy gaming everyone ..and don't get old ;)

Riding my bike through paradise...

I've been looking forward to the Bikes-Update for Burnout Paradise, as I hoped it would draw me back into the game again. Somehow I lost interest quite early, allthough I really liked the game a lot. I think it looks fantastic, it's huge, there is a variety of stuff to do, and it's a lot of fun. It's a shame I haven't played it more...

...but as it seems, that introducing Bikes to the game wasn't enough to get me interested again. I fooled around with the bikes for about half an hour yesterday, but didn't really went for a race or something. I experimented with the new time-cycle, which is a neat feature. I am definatly going for a ride again this evening, and I hope my spirits are up by then, as I was rather tired yesterday anyway. 

I am glad that Criterion is trying to invigorate the game with this free content. Anyone else tried the update? What do you think about it?


Achievement Whore

By any means, I am no Achievement Whore. My Gamerscore of less then 9000 (out of about 27000) should be proof of that ;)
I am playing for fun, and as long as it's fun. Obviously I am not a pro too, so I lack a lot of achievements that need a certain skill.

But at the moment, I am kind of feeling like a AW, as I am trying to get as many points from Too Human as possible.
After playing trough the game 3 times, with 2 different characters, I started playing the other 3 classes to lvl 10 for the 'Jack of all trades' -Achievement. It's tedious to play just the 1st chapter over and over again ;)

As much as I like the Achievement-System, it just doesn't represent anything. I played through Eternal Sonata and got 64% of the Achievements, but that only scores 170 points ;) I could finish Bionic Commando Rearmed, but I wouldn't get another achievement for doing so, leaving me with 20 Points for doing so.
Of course I am a fan of diverse Achievements, and Achievements you get for spending more time with the game, then just finishing it. But sometimes it's rather obscure, what a game want you to do,  to get some points ;)

A friend of mine played Viva Pinata with his laptop beside him, following every single step from a guide, to get every single pinata in every possible colour. While I admire his dedication, I am just glad, I played another game in the meantime. It's amazing what some people feel as being funny and relaxing ;)

Well ... I only have to start with one more character in Too Human. I am glad when I am done with that. For the 10 points it earned me...

Happy gaming everyone (with or without achievements) :)


A question for my network

It's not like I am having dozens of people here in my network. I am picking carefully whom I call a friend (not only on GB). If I read some comments I like, a well written review, something I can relate to, that impresses me - only then I ask them into my friend network.

Sadly, my network doesn't know about it. I am listed as friend of other people, but my network only shows 4 people of the actual network. Which makes it hard for me to keep up, with what going on in your gaming lives.

Anyone else having this problem? Anyone knows what I can do about it?
For a couple of weeks my feed has not been updating aswell, could that be the cause?

Anyway, I finally sat down yesterday to write my "Too Human"-Review. I knew what I wanted to write for a couple days already, but I lacked the time to do so. I missed some typos and writing it as a blogpost first, kind off destroyed the layout, but I am quite satisfied, and would love to hear some critics. I know that there have been tons of reviews already, as the game is out for 3 weeks already, but if you're someone that hasn't tried the game, just let me tell you, that it's worth doing so.

Thanks for the attention, happy gaming everyone!

Endwar Stresstest!

Awesome, awesome, awesome! I got a key for the Endwar Stresstest. I tried to get into an earlier beta, but didn't make it. I am really looking forward to this game ... I hope my expectations will be met.
Soon I will know :) Awesome...

If you want to try your luck, they were given away at eurogamer.



Lets have a look whats been going on lately in my gaming life lately...

So, I played lots of Too Human. I guess, I am even going to play some more when I finish the article.  I am already humming Led Zeppelins "I cant quit you Baby" when ever I start playing the game... :)
I am currently halfway through on my second playthrough with my 2nd class-choice.

Then I finally got my act together the other day and bought Castle Crashers. My blue knight is lvl 16 and I am really enjoying the game. But I really feel, like playing it alone doesn't suit it. Like I am missing some of the intended fun in going for it alone, but none of my friends got it, and somehow I never really managed to find realiable gaming partners when teaming up with random people.

I wanted to buy Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise, but it's way to expensive here in europe. Unfortunatly a friend borrowed my copy of the original VP, so I can't even fix my cravings for crazy gardening now. I am thinking about ordering 'Trouble in Paradise' it at Playasia, as I'd still save some money that way...
Actually I feel like punishing MS and not buying it at all, just for making it so damn expensive...

Oh, and by some happenstance, I just realised that 'Culdcept Saga' has not been released in Europe so far, and doesn't even have a release date. As it's been released in the US more then half a year ago, it's safe to say, that I'm never going to get it. At the moment I am feeling rather betrayed being a european customer...

On a sidenote: I am definatly going to write a Too Human-Review the next days.

Get me my shovel!

I am one of those guys, that while being action-game-players and certain in their sexuality, didn't buy GoW 2 years ago but VIVA PINATA! I loved playing every minute of it ...and I played it quite a lot ;)

While appreciating, that Rare decided to make more games of that franchise, I never even thought about buying VP: Trouble in Paradise. Until I just watched the Review-Video. If you haven't seen it yet, please, do yourself the favor and go watch it!

Seeing Brads face in the end of the video, just reminded me of the fun and glee and all the happy faces I made, when playing Viva Pinata. I remembered, when I visited a friend of mine, and he played Viva Pinata. There we were, 2 grown up dudes watching the pinatas and laughing and giggling. How we watched the introduction of the newtgat again and again, because it was so cute.

Now I know what my next purchase is going to be. Screw you Starkiller and your forcemanipulation, I got a garden to tend!

Time is getting precious again

After spending about 30 hours with Too Human, playing through with Berserk and Commando, I start feeling like I can form an honest opinion. The game has, for various reasons, a rather controversial taste, and I just didn't want to sound off, without really knowing what I am talking about.

The problem is ... it just isn't a great game. And I am not afraid to say so. But... well, I really enjoy playing it. And that kind of confuses me ;)

Of course, I am not saying a game has to be a AAA-title to be enjoyed. But spending almost 30 hours with it, knowing the story and its twists, discovering the secret-areas,  and just stupidly smashing the opponents to no end ...and I am still going back for more. 
It's not the loot.. the items are not fantastic. It's not the charms ..they are tenacious. It's certainly not the graphics or the sound... It just doesn't feel like I am finished, yet.

I could finish BC:Rearmed, or buy Castle Crashers ... instead, whenever I switch on the 360, I am playing Too Human. Again. For hours.
My holiday ends this weekend, and I am curious if I am still going back to fight trolls and goblins sword in hand, then. Because time is much more precious then, when I have less of it at hand...

And I hope, that I can establish the feeling of being finished with the game. I can't imagine playing through with a 3rd class, or to start a second playthrough with one of the other 2 characters. And as no one in my friendlist has the game, I don't see me playing it co-op... 
I hope I can say "that's it" and start writing a review soon ;)