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Gamers who take games waaaay too seriously.

Ever find a game you like, then decide you like it so much that you seek out a larger community on the internet? Did what you found actually make you enjoy the game less? Notice how this happens EVERY SINGLE TIME?

After Reach came out, I got pretty into Halo. So I went to to take part in the forums. What a mistake. The demands, the perceived personal sleights, the crying and whining. The constant "I just checked your k/d, your opinion doesn't count" crap. Some of these fucks actually take Halo more seriously than a real army takes combat. I'm gonna go to right now and find a thread that proves my point, and I promise not to look farther than the first page.

There you go. I didn't even read it, but I know it's some psychotically detailed report on how Armor Lock ruins lives. As usual, I'm sure this guy thinks he's bringing something new to the table.

Then I got back into Street Fighter and found Shoryuken. I figured "This has gotta be better than the GameFaqs board". Well it was, but it doesn't manage to avoid this retarded behavior completely. Here, check out this thread about SF3.

Seriously? There's a human being who takes this shit that seriously? I can't wait to go online and use nothing but drop kicks and hadokens on him until he commits suicide in disgust. You'll notice I mock him a few pages in haha  His response (I never actually checked for it) is likely "U sux at SF". Ah, but he sucks at life, am I right? haha

Fighting game fans apparently like to throw the word "scrub" around a lot. Do they know that term was already coined by TLC? I already know a scrub is a guy who thinks he's fly, not someone who sucks at fighting games. Also known as a busta, duh. 

I know it's just stupid kids acting stupid because adults have more important shit to worry about, but just once I'd like to go on the internet and have a conversation about a game I like without someone coming in twisting the issue and trying to pretend they know everything about game programming or telling me the competitor is better.  What's the point? It's the internet. I can guarantee nobody cares about anybody else's opinion on the internet. So why all the stupid bitching and crying?

Fuck you videogame fans. Go outside. 


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Edited By MideonNViscera

Ever find a game you like, then decide you like it so much that you seek out a larger community on the internet? Did what you found actually make you enjoy the game less? Notice how this happens EVERY SINGLE TIME?

After Reach came out, I got pretty into Halo. So I went to to take part in the forums. What a mistake. The demands, the perceived personal sleights, the crying and whining. The constant "I just checked your k/d, your opinion doesn't count" crap. Some of these fucks actually take Halo more seriously than a real army takes combat. I'm gonna go to right now and find a thread that proves my point, and I promise not to look farther than the first page.

There you go. I didn't even read it, but I know it's some psychotically detailed report on how Armor Lock ruins lives. As usual, I'm sure this guy thinks he's bringing something new to the table.

Then I got back into Street Fighter and found Shoryuken. I figured "This has gotta be better than the GameFaqs board". Well it was, but it doesn't manage to avoid this retarded behavior completely. Here, check out this thread about SF3.

Seriously? There's a human being who takes this shit that seriously? I can't wait to go online and use nothing but drop kicks and hadokens on him until he commits suicide in disgust. You'll notice I mock him a few pages in haha  His response (I never actually checked for it) is likely "U sux at SF". Ah, but he sucks at life, am I right? haha

Fighting game fans apparently like to throw the word "scrub" around a lot. Do they know that term was already coined by TLC? I already know a scrub is a guy who thinks he's fly, not someone who sucks at fighting games. Also known as a busta, duh. 

I know it's just stupid kids acting stupid because adults have more important shit to worry about, but just once I'd like to go on the internet and have a conversation about a game I like without someone coming in twisting the issue and trying to pretend they know everything about game programming or telling me the competitor is better.  What's the point? It's the internet. I can guarantee nobody cares about anybody else's opinion on the internet. So why all the stupid bitching and crying?

Fuck you videogame fans. Go outside.