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What's wrong with music these days?

 I was in the car with my dad recently, and we were listening to NPR. A fine radio program by any means, but frankly, it get's rather dull from time-to-time. So I decided to switch the channel to the local Rock station. This station has everything from Soft Rock to Death Metal. Their range is somewhat astounding to be honest. The first song I heard was Renegades of Funk, by Rage Against the Machine. Now, this band is a kind of mix between Metal, and Rap. I hate Rap. I really, really hate it. Thankfully the song was almost over when I switched stations, so I didn't have to cut my own ears off.  
The next song was Far From Home, by Five Finger Death Punch (FFDP). Now usually I like this band, but lately they've been foraying into some slower songs. This hasn't been going too well in my opinion. They just aren't built for things like that. It seems to me that their songs have more meaning (so to speak), and are just...not boring when they're a bit faster, and angrier. It's just more fun.  
Next was the AC/DC song Shoot to Thrill. It's AC/DC. They've been around for a really long time, been making good music the entire, and generally holds the respect of most rock enthusiasts. So really there's nothing bad about that one. Moving on. 
The next song that played was Haifisch. If you're thinking that doesn't sound like it's English, you'd be right. It's a song from a German Industrial Metal band called Rammstein. Obviously the song is in German, but I don't think it's imperative that one knows what the heck they're saying. In fact, I rather like not knowing what they're talking about. It makes it far more engaging to listen to. I realize that doesn't make sense, but trust me. Just listen to them. They're worth it. Anyway, this song is very nice, because it's exactly what Rammstein is good at, and when they do that, they do it well. So, yeah, needless to say, I enjoyed this one. 
Okay, now right about now we're about to get home, and there's time for one more song or so. I was hoping for something good to top off the drive. No such luck. The resulting disaster made me never want to listen to music again. The song was All Summer Long, by Kid Rock. I'd heard about this guy before, and had purposefully been avoiding his music due to bad reviews. I thought I had a pretty good idea of how bad his music was going to be. It was worse. So much worse. It was derivative, ill written, and just generally bad. The thought of it makes me want to stab something. So, I'm going to stop typing before I start into a really bad rant. Perhaps at a later date. We'll have to see. 
Later peoples. Tell your family DarthOniXVIII says hello.