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WoW's Performance on the new 13.3" Aluminum Macbooks

I posted this up on the MacRumors: Forums and i think some people will benefit this knowledge if I post up my experience of WoW on the new Macbooks and their results here.

All these screenshots are based off on my little Macbook: 13.3" MB: 2.4 GHz, 2GB Ram, 250GB HD, NVIDIA 9400m.

World of Warcraft in:
- Alterac Valley: Starting Zone (and in Windowed Mode)
- Alterac Valley: Belinda Action
- Alterac Valley: Full on Action versus a Small, Semi-Battle
- Alterac Valley: Battles One and Two
- Arathi Basin: Blacksmith
- Undercity: Random
- Windowed Mode: Laptop Snapshot

WoW's Default, Pre-Installed Video Settings: one, two, and three.

A Few Tips Before Playing:
Make sure to change your F1 - F12 Keyboard Settings before playing.

My WoW Video Settings can be seen here and here.

I hope this help the people who are thinking about playing WoW on their new MacBooks.


Okami's New Box Art

Reprinted Okami Box Art
Reprinted Okami Box Art
It's been, I don't know ... a few months? To the point, Capcom's reprinted Okami box arts have finally been shipped out . And now, Thursday, Oct. 16, the people finally receive a wonderful pair of images to go for your Wii game. As good as the images are I'd rather use them to put in front of a binder or even to laminate them than to put them into the box and back onto my shelf.

Anywho, I'll let the images speak for themselves.

Special Okami Box Art
Special Okami Box Art

Special Okami Box Art 2
Special Okami Box Art 2

I spoke too soon.

iRO Valkyrie
iRO Valkyrie
I initially thought that the rates in the new iRO Valkyrie server are 100 times of the original ... I spoke too soon. I really should have interpreted experience and drops set to 100% normal RO values in a literal sense. Apparently the rates in the original iRO servers were set to 75% of the original settings for a while. Now that is just a grind fest. I simply don't have the time to just sit and click anymore.

Well, free is free so I hope that this new and FREE server is home to many of you addicted RO players out there.

And what ever happened to RO 2?


Welcome to the new and FREE iRO Server: Valkyrie

It seems that the official iRO community seems like it's going to host a free server called "Valkyrie." More news can be found here, but here's a quick overlook from the Gravity website:

"The free access to Valkyrie server is now the base International Ragnarok Online server. With Valkyrie`s rates for Experience and Drops set to 100% normal RO values, we welcome all those heroes that may have hung up their adventuring cloak due to monetary issues in making a month to month subscription."

When you think I finally had the ability to walk away from this game, it always finds a way to bring me back.


Raptr. It's like X-Fire, but in Beta!

It seems like there's another social, gamer client out there - outside of X-Fire that is. It seems that it will (soon) have the capabilities of tracking your PC / Wii / PS3 / 360 game log. This does comes off a little stalker-ish, but at the very time it'll make things a little easier to track friends down and see what they have been up to. Sadly, even though it's still in Beta form, it looks very promising. Go to Raptr to create / reserve your user name now!


X-Box 360 Elite dead ... again.

Blah, my brother's Elite just seem to blank out on us -- literally. The system doesn't display any video nor sound when you boot it up. All this after when we bought Too Human too. Luckily it's still under warranty and I was able to give 1-800-4-my-xbox a call (say agent to speak to a real person). The phone call seemed pretty quick and easy. Now I have to wait for their email and ship it out via UPS tomorrow. The guy said it'll take 3-4 weeks, but I hope it comes much sooner. Tales of Versperia is awaiting!

I also asked about extending the warranty. He said after I received the system back I get a free 90 warranty extension. And if I still want to extend it, it would cost me $29.99 for 1 year or $59.99 for 2. Apparently you can keep extending it as long as you are still under warranty (outside of the whole RROD ordeal).

1st Elite lasted from the initial Elite launch up until the Halo 3 release.
2nd Elite lasted from the initial Halo launch up until the Too Human release.
3rd Elite soon to come. Hopefully it'll push more than a year this time around.


Disgaea 3 and other GameStop goodies

The day has finally come that Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice has been finally released in the states (Tuesday Aug 26, 2008). To my surprise GameStop received their shipments a day early (Tuesday instead of the usual Wednesday) and I was able to pick up said game with a lot of other things. This includes the pre-order bonus Disgaea 3 soundtrack, a copy of Disgaea 3, a copy of the official strategy guide (presented by Double Jump Books), the pre-order bonus for Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness (DS) bonus chicken + chicky, and a copy of the latest GameInformer.

Mmm... I love me some Disgaea

Disgaea 3 and other GameStop goodies
Disgaea 3 and other GameStop goodies

One test blog too many

Testing in 3, 2,  1

     Blog Intro 101 

It's best to keep this short and simple. This is my first ever blog and hopefully one of many to come. I've been a fan of the site for a long while now, but I still wonder why I refrained myself from participating to the site. Shyness? Maybe. Insignificant? Probably. Perhaps it's the fear of being ridiculed. Pift, it's the internet. That will never come to an end. We all are entitled to our own opinion and here's where I'll post mine... more towards the Review section that is.

Nonetheless, I'll be posting up blogs, lists, reviews of particular games from my end of the spectrum. Hopefully I can shed light to some games that people may have missed out on or the games that are soon to come. How can some people miss out on original titles like Katamari Damacy? Or soon to come titles like Little Big Planet? This is only the begging which will only mean that there's so much more to come. I'm excited to see this year's up and coming blockbuster titles like Gears of War 2 and Fallout 3. Luckily I was able to pick up a PS3 from a lucky winning streak in Las Vegas (although I'm not endorsing gambling here) and I'm currently playing through a few triple A PS3 titles that I've missed over these past few years.