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Viewtiful Joe episode 6: ... .__.

writing a short blog without having any followers, that sounds fun :) 
(may contain some spoilers about Viewtiful Joe)
Woohoo, over a week holiday! Perfect time to finish Viewtiful Joe.  Have been playing it recently. Cool game but I prefer Clover's other games. Still want VJ2 though.
I've played up to episode 5. Okay, no problem so far. Got 5 Game Overs in total. Not fantastic but nothing too bad either,...I think. So I played episode 6 today and wtf is wrong with that level... ;__________; I got 6 Game Overs and haven't even finished it yet! Making me fight against all bosses I defeated so far without even replenishing my hp. The first one is still pretty easy, after beating him a couple of times he goes down pretty fast without losing much hp. But the second one always takes away most of my lives. what's with that uberfast headbut and (almost) unavoidable attack which both deal way too much damage!? And when I'm attacking him he blocks most of my attacks with his axe, when it's finally broken and I can damage him, my VFX bar is almost empty and I need to run away to replenish it and avoid his attacks. After a couple of Game Overs I realized I can actually deal a lot of damage by using slowmotion when his rockets I sent back explode. For some reason this doesn't always work which results in me losing many lives before I finally beat that bastard. I noticed these boxes containing hamburgers and stuff in the background. They would be really useful in these levels IF I KNEW HOW TO OPEN THEM! I still haven't figured out how to open these damn boxes in the background .______. I thought "well zoom would do, cause that brings me closer to the background" but apparently it doesn't work that way. Even after randomly pressing all the buttons for a few minutes I still haven't managed to open them. :( Okay well, on to the next battle with just a few hp and 1 or 2 lives left. Somehow it gets easier from now on since my VFX bar has increased. The shark seems to have more hp and since I'm like professional at dying, well, I die. I managed to reach the 4th boss but it'll take a lot more practice to finish that damn level. I did enjoy it though and I guess it's my favourite level since it even got me to write this thing. It was a good training, it really improved my VJ skills, and kind of tired me. It made me hungry just thinking about it. ...myeah, cool game. That's why I love Clover so much.
If anyone happens to read this and know the answer I'd be thankful if you told me how to open those boxes in the background.
lol that's it for now
have fun~
DieMaster aka miva2