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Home Sweet Home

I am about to close the cover on the 25th year of my life, and around the 18th of my gaming life. Ask my friends today and they'll probably all say that I am a console gamer, and they'ed be right. But this wasn't always the case. Even when I had my first console, the Mega-Drive, I was still thinking of myself as a PC gamer. This was mostly because of RPG's. I poured hours and hours into games like Planescape Torment, Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 (and yet i love fallout 3...) and the likes. Then things started to change. the genre changed and me with it.  
During the late 90's, RPG's became the dungeon cralwer, action heavy, Archer lady / Brooding mage guy / Warrior big dude, and so on, but you still had a skill tree and loot... Don't get me wrong, I played the shit out of Diablo and still enjoy Titan Quest, but for different reasons. Combine that with the way that RTS's all became the same generic stuff (I haven't played any RTS between Starcraft and Company of Heroes...), with my Playstation starting to get really awesome stuff like Metal Gear Solid and TEKKEN 3, my relationship with my PC altered. It was now second bananas to my console. 
The reason I am gushing over this, is that I got Dragon Age: Origins and all those old feelings came rushing back. This isn't the first step to going back to being a PC gamer, but seeing the RPG genre rise it's zombifide hand out of it's grave like this is..... fucking awesome. I only played about 4 hours of DA:O and i'm already inlove. This game is sending me back to a time where all i needed was this one game to last me 6 months (and then some with replays) . Add to that the fact that it is now 11 years after Baldur's Gate, which means some serious technological advancments were made, which mean an impossible amount of story lines among other things. 
I love that they didn't shy away from making it balls hard. I'm playing on normal and got a wipe 3 hours into the game. Dude.... 
I'm just a happy gamer right now, that's all.