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Average score of 2 user reviews

Like I've always said "Tacos ruin lives" 0

Plants Versus Zombies is a loved franchise, yet you don't need me to say that. If you have never played Plants Versus Zombies, then you have at least heard of it or have seen someone playing it. This game starts off showing you the basics, then Crazy Dave appears with a taco and says he has been saving it forever and is now going to eat it and wants to go back in time using his tricked out mobile home that can travel time. You are then taken to Ancient Egypt. Thanks Dave. There are new enemies a...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Terminator 4: Neon Dragon 1

To all of you who are familiar to the Far Cry franchise, you are normally in the middle of nowhere. The layout looks beautiful, you can clearly tell that a lot of time and effort has been put into each game. Far Cry 3 was an exceptional piece of entertainment. Machinima says "It's like Skyrim with guns!" and it had several nominations and awards from E3. Ubisoft decided to make a spin-off based off of a map editor they had made for Far Cry 3 which allowed players to add 80's movie special effect...

1 out of 6 found this review helpful.