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@mrpandaman: Same boat, my friend. The best thing we can all do is remember to enjoy playing games! People have become more obsessed with fighting each other over games, than actually enjoying them.

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@devil240z: I have to disagree and agree. People have always been sensitive to a certain degree, but now it's become more of an entitled sensitivity. Like a fight for their lives over the most trivial matters.

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#5  Edited By MrGarland

@quarters: Extremely absurd. The internet has many qualities, but many long term side effects for society as well.

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#6  Edited By MrGarland

Now hear me out, I'm not saying that people don't have a right to defend the games they love. Defending something you enjoy is a natural reaction. But let's face it, the internet has given society the ability to anonymously bark at others without any consequence.

A good example is say someone gives a legit criticism about a game. Watch as you see people of all ages flood that comment with snide, spiteful, and downright childish remarks. This is where I see the gaming community starting to become obsessed with the 1up contest of constantly seeking validation for their feelings.

Here's one of MANY examples you'll find on gaming sites with higher traffic. You'll see that someone kindly gave his input on a review for the recent Pokemon GO. He disagreed with said review, but you'll find that the comment is civil and mature. (Very rare these days). But the first response to this comment, automatically goes south. As you can see, the response directly attacks the user who made the original comment.

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Now I may be cynical for pointing this out, but I feel as though this has become much more relevant than it was say back in the 90's and early 2000's. I remember getting into arguments with my friends about what flaws a game had, what game is better, ect. But never once did we belittle each other in the manner that most gamers do today, because they've found an outlet to validate themselves in the most immature ways possible. Also note, that I don't like the new Pokemon app. So please don't assume this is me contradicting myself over the defense of a mobile game I could really care less about.

The saddest part is that you see full grown adults doing this. And even if you want to find the means to justify this, when did acting like a degenerate become okay?

I've noticed that GiantBomb is relatively civil, so I've decided to make this my watering hole for information. But I'd be truly heartbroken if I seen a community like IGN or Gamespot bring their "Youtube Comments" influence to this little safe haven.

And trust me, I get it. Sometimes people have differences, and people will vent those differences no matter it be on the Internet, or in person. But I highly doubt that 90% of those who have a daily routine of deflecting their feelings on their smartphone or computer, would actually have the stones to act such a way in person.

But seriously, since when was it okay for my fellow gamers start telling others to kill themselves over the smallest remark that might challenge their opinion? And yes, I understand that this isn't just the gaming community, but from what I've seen, this sort of behavior largely consists of gamers on the internet.

The whole ideal of this rant was to point out the serious flaw in gaming culture today. We've always had our differences, but I can't help but feel the community has molted into some sort of pin cushion that screams every time someone disagrees with them.

I apologize if I've offended anyone, but I had to bring this to light. I hope that one day this decline in internet morality stops, and we can start acting like adults again.

"One sure mark of a fool is to dismiss anything that falls outside his experience as being impossible"-- Farengar Secret-Fire

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Hey all! I'm 22, and I've been an avid gamer since I was old enough to hold a controller. I've also been an avid reader of reviews, and sometimes reviewing games myself. I've recently stumbled upon Giantbomb, and I'm just really surprised that I hadn't come to this sight a long time ago.

Previously I was a constant user of sites like Gamespot, and IGN. I know, I had my fill of them after seeing how far the community had fallen. Forums and comment sections are a playground for kids and young adults to act as childish as possible, without any civil conversation whatsoever. As trivial as this sounds, it was becoming more stressful than enjoyable to visit those places anymore, and the quality and integrity of news and reviews have been going downhill for so long now, that I can't even stomach to read another controversial clickbait article.

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Hey all! I'm 22, and I've been an avid gamer since I was old enough to hold a controller. I've also been an avid reader of reviews, and sometimes reviewing games myself. I've recently stumbled upon Giantbomb, and I'm just really surprised that I hadn't come to this sight a long time ago.

Previously I was a constant user of sites like Gamespot, and IGN. I know, I had my fill of them after seeing how far the community had fallen. Forums and comment sections are a playground for kids and young adults to act as childish as possible, without any civil conversation whatsoever. As trivial as this sounds, it was becoming more stressful than enjoyable to visit those places anymore, and the quality and integrity of news and reviews have been going downhill for so long now, that I can't even stomach to read another controversial clickbait article.

I just wanted to pop in and introduce myself to a community that hopefully enjoys our hobby more than they enjoy arguing about it. And when I say argue, most of you should know what I mean. There's a difference between a civil debate and a childish 1up contest. Anyways, I enjoy what I've seen so far!

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