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I would rather put a circular saw to my balls then play these games again.

Hey, my title fit!  But yes, I would rather do irreparable harm to my reproductive system then subject myself to these games again.  Onward!

List items

  • Decent premise and story, but the worst control scheme in history gives this game the distinction of being the only game I've ever returned. It's like playing a DS game with giant clown mittens on.

  • I never made it past the first stage - I'd run down the alley and get punched to death by a midget. This game was the worst thing to happen to my Nintendo since my grandma thought she could clean it by putting it in the dishwasher.


  • Fun fact - zombies won't attack you (or move!) if you're standing on a crate. This game was made by muppets.

  • An RTS where ranged units require ammo... but there are no ways to gather, make, or distribute said ammo. I gave this game to a kid I hated in middle school so he'd leave me alone forever.

  • This game and I have a storied history. I bought it and the strategy guide and got too much change back, so I figured it was a sign from on high about how awesome it would be. Not so. In single-player matches, your turn was 10 minutes long... and the 7 AI opponents would each take the FULL 10 MINUTES to do their turn. It took 80 minutes to play one round. A later patch apparently corrected that, but I stopped playing long before then.

  • SNES version. Want to build a custom pro QB? Too bad! Your stats start out so poor that you can't improve them in the challenges designed to improve your stats! Also, I hope Randall Cunningham is your favorite player ever, because he's the only QB in the game that can move faster then a fat lady in a Rascal.

  • Gameboy Version. Ever wanted to play a cheap, greyscale knockoff of Zelda 2 except instead of link, you get Dennis Quaid? Then dig this one out of the dumpster and have yourself a merry christmas. Awful.

  • Chalk this one up to "the man at the store said this was a good game." I'd rather get botulism from a can of old peaches then be asked (REAL QUESTION) who a senator from Arizona was (answer - Barry Goldwater). Junior edition my ass.

  • The only thing that could make this game worse is if it had actual carnies in it.