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NXE and the Party System

First of all, I shall  not go into a detailed blog about my impressions of the NXE but I will say that I am quite impressed with it. Mainly due to the party system. For people that aren't in multiplayer lobbies nightly, this feature probably appears less grand.  However, for gamers like me that find themselves in multiplayer lobbies daily, the party system is a Godsend....or is it?

The ability to communicate, flawlessly in between lobbies and during loading screens is definitely an excellent and much needed feature Microsoft implemented with the NXE.  We can all party up and coordinate what we are doing, while we are doing it without being cut off, interrupted or dropped.  Even in the event, that someone in your party has to update the game they put in, they are momentarily disconnected from live and then automatically rejoin the party after the game update, which again is another great addition to this party system.

The other great thing about using party chat as opposed to game chat is that you no longer are subjected to the vast community of Xbox live.  No longer are your ears full of the screaming, singing or racial slurs.  However, as much as this feature appeals to the more mature, seasoned crowd of gamers I am a bit apprehensive about utilizing it and I'll tell you why...because within the ocean of ignorance that is the Xbox live community there are still good people to be found.

Anyone that knows me or Cavemanjr, knows that we game together a lot.  This would have never come to pass if I would have had the party system, or if I muted everyone but those on my friends list.  I met him, ironically, on a MGU gamenight of Rainbow Six Vegas 2.  He inquired about the MGU and the rest is history. My point is that I have met plenty of good people over xbox live and by utilizing the new party chat feature, the chances of meeting more "cavemen" seems highly unlikely.  I guess in a round about way I'm conflicted about using it.  Though last night it was quite refreshing to hear nothing but silence from all the other users in the lobbies.

Say what you will about the Xbox live community but something is to be said about the interaction regardless if it is positive or negative in nature.  The social interaction found on live is more than instant messaging, private chat or are need to feed our competitive nature.  Arguably, the reason we keep coming back is simply for the social interaction....period!  (Hence the reason that many whom do not seek it more than likely rarely play multiplayer games over xbox live.)

If you compare it with real life it seems a bit absurd.  We don't walk around with an internal mute function for all stimuli with the exception of friends.  Although, I'm sure a mute function for in-laws could prove to be a highly popular and useful feature. :P

At the end of the day, the party system is probably the best feature, in my eyes, of the NXE.  However, I still wonder if using it is in someway closing a few doors that in all reality should remain open. 

Do we really need to shut out the rest of the world to enjoy it?