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I'm not sure if it really fits into this category, but it's really annoying how hard is is to get a switch, or how hard it will likely be to get a snes classic. I can't really think of many negative things in terms of video games this year...I haven't really had any gripes.

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Sonic Mania and Yakuza Kiwami are really the only ones I can think of. The rabbids thing looks cool though. Is it still pretty hard to find a switch at this point?

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Yeah man...I mean, I get that some people are into the "Lynch stuff" and that's totally fine, but Lynch or not there are scenes in this season that have dragged on for seemingly no particular reason (not funny, not entertaining, not insightful, not relevant, etc) and I just don't get it. If they can somehow tie homegirl trying to kill a fly for 15 minutes into the plot then cool, but it's still very frustrating in my opinion no matter what happens. I can't help but think that the time could have been spent on a far more valuable scene. I've pretty much given up on seeing good coop come back for anything more than like 2 minutes as a cliffhanger, or any kind of real closure to all of these plot threads. I'm not butthurt about it, I just truly don't get it. Oh well, It's alright, I'll ride it out to the end. I'd be curious to see what the general consensus of this season is...Do most people like it, or do most people feel differently? I guess it would be hard for us to ever find out.

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It has been a good year...Botw, Persona 5, Yakuza 0...It is an impossible choice but I guess if I had to pick one it's Botw. I just can't think of an argument that puts anything else ahead. Excellent year for games so far, the fact that some of us are already struggling to have a clear favorite should speak for itself.

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#5  Edited By MudKatt

There's something for just about everyone in Texas. The land can be relatively cheap though in my experience these days it is getting harder to find small chunks for sale. I've lived near Houston for most of my life, though I will say that I actually hate Houston. Traffic and weather (heat+humidity from the coast) are rough, though there are sections of Houston that are really nice such as Sugarland, Katy, so on and so forth. You also live within an hour or so from Galveston whih is not really a nice beach to swim at but can still be pretty cool. Lots of job oppurtunities there.

The Ft. Worth area is pretty nice. Dallas is kinda a nightmare the few times I have been there. Besides the huge cities, you have smaller ones such as College Station/Bryan which is really nice. I prefer rural areas myself, and there are a whole lot to choose from. As far as finding work, I really don't know what the best way of going about it is. I would probably just try all angles you have available and see what happens.

Whataburger quality varies greatly from store to store, there are some really good ones out there. Best I've had was the one in corpus christi which IIRC was the original one. Anyway if you do move down good luck my friend.

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#6  Edited By MudKatt

.@teddie Great points, especially on the characters and the way they react. Now that you mention it, it does seem to kill the mystery and character of BOB for me. That character was handled so well in the original mystery, and maybe the truth is I didn't want the backstory after all. Back in season 2, Albert said something about BOB that was something along the lines of "the evil that men do". Well, that certainly feels a little odd now that BOB could potentially be a weird alien bug. I kinda get what they are saying, nukes are so bad they caused things like BOB to come about...But man...Thinking about it now, I think I like the red room scenes even less after watching the revival so far. I guess I feel that they have doubled down on the things that I cared less about in the original seasons, and left out the parts of the show that I enjoyed most, which would be the characters, atmosphere and overall mystique of Twin Peaks and the characters that reside there. Well, here's hoping that at some point we all get some form of what we're looking for.

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I'm a longtime TP fan, I actually rewatched seasons 1 and 2 and FWWM so I could be fully in the loop after episode 7. I thought that finally we were getting back to what I loved about the original. Nope, just another hour of complete bullshit.

I get that I'm being salty as hell, and I truly wish I could see what some other people see. I'm glad some people enjoying it and if you have read this far, I hope you are. I just find myself frustrated with the pace of the revival. We came so close to getting back to reality...After last week, I was thinking, "ok now that we finally got that horse shit out of the way now we can finally get back to TP". I mean shit man, we had like a full 5 minutes of the nine inch nails playing. Why in the hell would I want to watch that! It isn't like we're lacking in plot threads here...Hell I'd rather watch ben horne reenacting the civil war than watch a mushroom cloud and ghost gas station for like 10 minutes.

Anyway I just had to get it out somewhere, the pace of this has been agonizing and I feel that I have more patience than a lot of people will. All that said, I'll stick around because I still believe the payoff will be incredible. There have still been some good scenes with characters I care about. I just hope we actually get some answers at some point and the ending of this thing doesn't leave us feeling like it was all abstract and with very little context. If you wanna rip me for needing answers that's fine, I won't argue. I'm just getting fed up here

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If you're just looking to play some SP games you won't have need an online subscription. You still download patches without one.

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I played 1 recently, though it has been years since I played 2 and I haven't played 3. With MP1, I find the atmosphere, exploration, story and the sorta oppresive world you are thrown into be a big part of why I like the game. Exploring these ruins that have been kinda mixed in with space pirate technology or areas that have resulted from pirate interference was really awesome. In particular the sunken ship that you started the game on was a really interesting level. Checking the computers and seeing that the pirates actually feared you, or getting backstory on the Chozo...It drew me in and built up very well to the finale.

With that said, I find the gameplay itself has not held up terribly well. I was frustrated at times with the way things controlled, and especially the platforming became somewhat of a chore. I fumbled my way through only to completely give up on the last boss, if only because I felt that it was no longer fun.

So to answer the question, if they go the 1st person route I guess what I would like to see is more fluid and better controlling gameplay. I'm picturing the smoothness of a more modern fps and I could see this actually being really cool. I hope they distance themselves from all of the federation bs and the evil samus, and maybe get back to the things I personally loved about the old metroids. I think it needs the sense of isolation and wonder, and that thrill of exploring.

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#10  Edited By MudKatt

@thebigsocrates Pretty much all of the games should be on ps4 by this summer. They are releasing 1.5,2.5, and 2.8 which sounds really confusing but isn't so bad. Essentially you get 1 and 2, plus CoM, BBS and DDD which are handheld games but are still important story wise and pretty good as well. There are summaries of a couple of the spin offs in game which I haven't even bothered with as a long time KH fan, so no worries there. *Forgot to mention they are adding some kind of small gameplay episode in 2.8 which supposedly leads into KH3

You aren't wrong when talking about the bigger KH fans. I mean, I can only speak for myself but personally I just want to see what happens and see how they tie everything up. I have kinda talked down on the story, and some of it is pretty badly written, but I still think it's pretty good. It remains interesting and pretty insane (in a good way for me) here lately. That said, I'm still mostly here for gameplay at this point.

As far as a reboot, my understanding is that this will be the last Kingdom Hearts game to have anything to do with Sora and the other original characters. So it sounds like a hard reset is coming once this last game comes out, which could be interesting.