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#2  Edited By Nagareboshi

Ben and Brad huh? I was unreasonably excited when I saw the thumbnail but now i'm sad.. :(

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Just some thoughts on the whole 64 vs Sunshine debate since I started playing sunshine on my wii after yesterday's stream and I have to say... I think the people who say Sunshine is better than Mario 64 might be on to something! Sure, 64 is without a doubt a landmark game, perhaps THE most significant 3D game of all time but having played 64 recently as well, I would choose to play Sunshine over it any day. Putting them side to side today, I think Mario Sunshine is straight up the better game if we judge them by the same standards. I think people might be looking at Mario 64 with too much nostalgia. The 3D movement on an analog stick at the time was amazing but it isn't perfect and certainly not superior to Sunshine (At least not to me) and the platforming and level design is pretty rudimentary compared to most of Sunshine. People also complain about the hard parts of sunshine but personally I do like the steeper difficulty curve and the pure platforming sections are especially awesome. F.L.U.D.D is great too!

One thing I will say is this: The inverted camera Y AND X axis sure is a classic boneheaded nintendo move! Come to think of it, this game might be the reason i've inverted all my controls ever since. Hmm..