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Left 4 Chrono

I've been playing through Chrono Trigger recently, and have enjoyed it immensely so far.  The DS version of the game is very nicely put together; the anime cutscenes are very clean and crisp, and the gameplay is awesome.  I think I'll be playing this for some time.

I've also been playing Left 4 Dead quite a bit; some games have been excellent, others so-so.  Friendly fire is often a big issue.  Accidentally killing a fellow survivor is common on Expert, both for me and my teammates.  I think Valve could have taken a few more measures to prevent griefing (for instance, auto-kicking a player who shoots a downed player repeatedly and is obviously there solely to mess up the game).  Also, Versus mode is damn near impossible for the survivors.  If the zombies are even remotely well-coordinated, the survivors don't have a chance in hell of even making it halfway.  A surprise attack from a Boomer followed immediately by a duel Hunter/Smoker combo is simple but devastating.  For the battered team who survives that, there's the Tank to deal with, and possibly even a sinisterly-placed Witch or two.  That, and tons of zombies.

Not to say the game isn't fun, though; a co-op campaign on Advanced difficulty is nothing short of sublime.  Dealing with boss zombies while blowing the lesser hordes away by the dozens is one of the best gaming experiences I've had all year.


First post!

Giant Bomb, eh?  How'd it get that name?

Anyways, this is my first post here.  I'm "NateD", simply because I can't think of any good usernames.

What I'm playing:

  • Team Fortress 2 (PC) - Those sentries won't unsap themselves, you know.
  • Final Fantasy XII (PS2) - One of the most underrated games in the series (by fans, at least).  Nuts to them.  The story may be more political than poignant, but the localization and near-Shakespearian dialogue are incredible (and this is coming from an English major).  It's amazing how much I missed on my first playthrough.

What I'm looking forward to:
  • Left 4 Dead (PC) - If I ever unhinge myself from Team Fortress 2, it'll be because of this.  The only thing I'm worried about is griefers abusing friendly fire.
  • Chrono Trigger (DS) - I've never played the original (I first got into videogames well after the SNES, sadly), but most people list this as one of the most legendary RPGs ever created.  Can't wait to finally play it.

And that's about it for now.  If anyone actually stumbles upon this blog, comment away!