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#1  Edited By NathanCarmichael

I actually found myself using Stasis quite a bit- not so much for the lockdown period, but during the fall down/stand back up animation after the effect ends, the target is vulnerable, even if they still have defences. Sort of like the stun effect of a combat drone. Particularly helpful during the bosses, as it gives you a couple seconds of uninterrupted shooting.  The 'resistance buildup' is actually helpful (up to a point, maybe five consecutive hits or so) because it means you get the recovery animation more often. Also noticed: on the second 'unique' boss, singularity produces more stun, and having two characters who can use it is amazing, but stasis recovers quite a bit faster. 
 From a non-gameplay standpoint, this is hands-down the most entertaining and well-integrated DLC I've seen so far for any platform with an internet connection. Great stuff!