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How I think aspects of a game would help or hurt a film adaptation - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Before anyone spams me with comments about that "Hero of Time" fan film, or comments about the impossibility of an OoT film, let me state this is just an analysis. It doesn't take a lot of thought to realize the Game-to-Film industry needs a lot of help. I think fans are all waiting for that one breakthrough film that swamps previous attempts and sets a new bar for films to come. Sam Raimi's Spider-Man film I think was the first to successfully fulfill this goal for Comic-to-Film. Now a new Marvel Film comes out nearly every year. Christopher Nolan has made what many argue to be the best movie of our age (The Dark Knight), inspired by comics. The video game industry needs a Sam Raimi soon, so within the following years we can earn our own Christopher Nolan.
I chose Ocarina of Time because many believe it to be the greatest game of all time. It would be a bold move for someone to try telling the story from Hollywood. Even as a fan--someone who is currently playing through the game again on the 3DS after countless play-throughs on the Nintendo 64 and GameCube--it would be a mistake to believe I could make an OoT film that is even a mile away from the game's legacy. So instead, I'm doing this to show how I think various concepts and characters would translate directly into a film. I know it won't happen, and I sure as hell hope it never will.
Once I've finished this list, I plan on following up with the Uncharted series (which I would then update after the release of the third game), due to the growing controversy over Hollywood's take on the franchise.

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