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With DLC rising and publishers such as EA and Activision shoving the content right in our faces, I thought I would write up a blog with my opinions on DLC. 
Lets get started, now to a certain degree I think the DLC is fine but that all comes down to the content. For example the new Halo Map Pack, why would I pay more than I did for Dead Rising 2: Case Zero three maps that should have come out with the game? Now sadly there is nothing I can do, why? Well if I want to play with friends who are most likely getting the map pack I will miss out on playing with them whenever the deiced to go and play on the three new maps. Not to mention that Bungie can and are going to release more map packs then people who don't want to buy them are screwed. Now this doesn't only count for Halo, games like Modern Warfare 2 etc have the same issue. Map packs = dumb.  

 This shit, it ain't cool.
 This shit, it ain't cool.
 Now for the DLC that I find to be awesome. Lets take Fallout 3 for example, all the DLC was great. Now why is that you ask? The DLC added even more length to the game that was already there, with new areas, quests and guns and on top of that we got with Broken Still a level cap raise of 30 and brand new packs. In my opinion I would have payed for this as an expansion but it was only DLC. Another prime example of this is Borderland and is the same deal, it actually added something that many people would pay off it added more and not just a map or two, way more. I personally think all games if they are going to release DLC should go on this route instead of little bits and pieces. Okay, let's talk about Mass Effect 2. Now I haven't played Mass Effect 2 yet but the DLC looks good, but is it? As far as I know there is heaps of DLC but it is all in bit and pieces with annoys me. Why not combine them into one thing? For example instead of a mission add a whole other thing like Borderlands and Fallout  did. Now  I may be wrong about Mass Effect 2 but I am just guessing from the press I have seen. 
 This shit, it's cool.
 This shit, it's cool.
And last but not least, costume packs. Now this is something I think is crazy, it is seen in game like Little Big Planet and Street Fighter and to be honest I just laugh at it. Why would anyone pay money for skins? I just don't understand the logic, it is the same game and the same content but you look different. I have no idea why this stuff comes out, well I do but at least make it free. I mean they taunt me with new skins for characters but goddamit I can't bring myself to pay money for nothing it is as bad as paying for furniture in Home.   
 I want this, I ain't paying.
 I want this, I ain't paying.
So what do you guys think about DLC, do you buy it? 
Thanks for reading my blog! ^__^