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Fear the system

F E A R 2

yes i know project origin is the real name but its going to be fear 2 , to me (i hate using to after two) for the real reason for this...accrording to one of the product leaders at e3 , project origin will use the halo health system now the new health meter in use for this project is extremly opposite i what i was think they would do for this game. the rebounding health meter is not a good fit for what this game is. My reason behind this out cry is simple. When i finished an intense fire firefight seeing i was under 20 percent health and no med packs in sight, i was thankul to survive and trying to figure out my next point of ill do what i did in call of duty, halo, and gears....chill in a corner and get myself all fixed up and head on out......thats not what fear was built on. fear was build on being happy to survive...i know its not realistic for medi-packs to heal your self but sitting in a corner and doing nothing is not either. the only game that i can understand using the rebounding system. besides halo and call of duty, would be ninja gaiden 2 on 360 i think it only on 360 now but ps3 will get it next year i hope( yes i have a 360 and im not a fanboy all my boys have ps3s and i plan to get one when i get a better job)....the fact that your fighting at least one hundred of enemies per stage is a good reason to for that health system and its not the full system. Your dont get a full health regain either. what needs to happen is the people working at fear 2 need to bring back the old health system and be diffferent....cause everybody and they momma use this system and it sucks. the best answer would be what was done with Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter 1 and 2 and thats have a medic that takes care of you or on of your mates when they are down, Thats the most realisitc way to portary it ...but that just me.

Despite what i just said im going to get this game and love the story