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#2  Edited By nhines04

@oursin_360: Both accurate. The online is P2P, meaning if a single player leaves a match it can potentially interrupt the match for everyone else for several seconds. Personally haven't had too many issues with that though I would be interested to know why Ubi went with the P2P route rather than using dedicated servers.

As for the microtransactions, I don't know that I'd say there are a lot of them necessarily, but they are certainly there, and for my part I still just think it's really despicable to include microtransactions in a $60 game. Given Ubisoft's track record I can't say I'm surprised, it just leaves a really sour taste in my mouth. This game is practically built to support paid DLC in the form of new characters/cosmetic items, and I have no doubt Ubisoft will milk those opportunities for all they're worth, which makes the inclusion of microtransactions even more lousy.

That being said, you get a fairly large number of equipment chests (blind boxes of course) from the campaign, and based on what I've received from those I can't ever imagine spending money to get more of them. So far it doesn't seem like P2W players with amazing equipment really have that much of an edge, but I'm also fairly low ranked in multiplayer so that difference could widen considerably at the higher levels. If that does turn out to be the case, then in all likelihood I will probably regret purchasing this game. If the equipment continues to have a fairly minor impact as it currently seems then I'm mostly fine with it, because I am having fun for now.

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@belowstupid: Yep. Definitely not ideal.

More worrying (in my opinion at least) is that I think I've already encountered at least one more major bug in the hour or so I played. Namely, after acquiring the "ball" ability, I'm still not able to use it; the circle button does nothing on press or hold. If anyone else on PS4 has had this issue (or alternatively has not had this issue) I'd appreciate it if you chimed in

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I'm 7 or 8 planets in and I've been playing on normal. I've been considering bumping it up to hard for awhile now but I have a feeling I would probably get a little annoyed and go back to normal for the first playthrough. On one hand, the enemies on normal do often die too fast for me to use many of the awesome weapons I'm getting, but on the other hand they already seem like they do a fairly high amount of damage on normal and I'd prefer not to be dying a bunch of times in a row with this game.

Of course, my situation may be somewhat different in that I picked up Ratchet and Clank as a kind of relaxer to separate Salt and Sanctuary, which I just finished, and Dark Souls 3. If I weren't intentionally trying to play a somewhat easier game I'd probably have just started on hard to see how it was. I'll switch over to it now and let you know what I think.

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@kenobi: I'm a noob myself and I've been playing Ryu so unfortunately I can't speak from experience either. However, this video may be useful to you - it was created in one of the earlier betas based off the date the video was posted but I'm pretty sure most of that stuff will still work.

As you'll probably be able to tell from the video, from what I've read Rashid's most effective anti-airs are cr. MP and toward MP. Hopefully that helps a little bit.