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My Month in Gaming (February)

Hi Nick, 
Remember when we used to play games and enjoyed life? Well, school has sort of ruined that so we don't have all that much time for that kind of stuff right now.  I mean, we finally cracked open that copy of Beyond Good and Evil that's been sitting around since the summer. It's pretty rad, but Mass Effect 2's DLC only last us like a week?  Too bad, Mass Effect 2 ruined games for us, because now there seems like nothing worth playing.  Bayonetta didn't hold out attention, but NHL 11 was still around for some good times. Golden Sun and Singularity will probably be the only other things we'll play this month (if we play anything at all).   Don't worry though, I still love you. 



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Edited By nick_verissimo

Hi Nick, 
Remember when we used to play games and enjoyed life? Well, school has sort of ruined that so we don't have all that much time for that kind of stuff right now.  I mean, we finally cracked open that copy of Beyond Good and Evil that's been sitting around since the summer. It's pretty rad, but Mass Effect 2's DLC only last us like a week?  Too bad, Mass Effect 2 ruined games for us, because now there seems like nothing worth playing.  Bayonetta didn't hold out attention, but NHL 11 was still around for some good times. Golden Sun and Singularity will probably be the only other things we'll play this month (if we play anything at all).   Don't worry though, I still love you. 