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Nick Zonak's GOTY 2013 List

This list is gonna be a bit weird. Unfortunately, I barely played any new games that game out this year since games cost money and I don't have a lot of that stuff. You won't see a lot of games that people normally put on their GOTY list since I haven't played BioShock: Infinite, The Last of Us, GTAV, and a bunch of other stuff.

List items

  • Yea, this is my number one. I'm a sucker for Mario. I loved the shit out of 3D Land, and this game essentially took this game and put it on crack. The co-op is hilariously frustrating. All in all, it's an amazing experience and definitely a must have if you have a Wii U.

  • I love platformers and I loved the hell out of Rayman Origins. This game took that game and somehow managed to improve upon what was already there. Bundled with creativity, if you love platformers, you'll love this game.

  • Recent Zelda games weren't doing it for me. Then this bad boy comes along and says "Yo, we old school but we new school." This is a perfect example of how to make a whole new experience out of familiar territory.

  • While I didn't play it directly, I experienced this marvel with one of my friends. It's funny, witty, and keeps you coming back to find all the different and weird things it has to offer.

  • Animal Crossing is one of those games where I play religiously for a month or two, then sorta stop. But still, this installment of the franchise is the best one yet. Boasting a whole set of new features, items, and stuff to do, it's definitely a must buy for fans of the series, or people who just want a no stress game where they can chill and talk to some animals. Also, Isabelle is the best.

  • I freakin love Dota. It's complex, creative, and just awesome.