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Global Agenda: Worth It? And Many Other Things

Let's start with what you are probably read this for, my impressions of Global Agenda. As far as I can tell, its worth it. I haven't tried out the Conquest gameplay yet so I don't know whether or not I'll subscribe but the PvE and PvP is really good. There is currently a real problem with the PvP though. There just isn't enough teamwork going on and for a team based game, that seems like a rather large prroblem. The only people currently who even try to organise their teams are 12 year old Americans with a mic who don't know a thing about strategy who then get pissed at you when you don't do what they say. 
An example? Well first let me just tell you what I play as and how respawning works in this game, I'm a Recon play specced for sniping alright? That means I need distance don't I? Now the way respawning works is that when you die you spectate for a certain amount of seconds then come back in your teams drop ship. You can either just walk out or if someone has placed your teams respawn beacon somewhere you can teleport to it. So, one of the gamemodes is a TF2-like payload thing, I was defending and the defending team's beacon is usually pretty close to the action. I respawn and jump because I'm sniping and I don't want to be right next to the other team when I'm doing that> Now as soon as I walk out of the dropship this guy starts shouting and swearing at me for not using the beacon and calling me a moron. This is the same person who has been giving us terrible strategies all match long. So i ignore him and get up on a godd vantage point and start ripping up and he starst complaining that "All you stupid recons aren't using the beacon!" Excuse me! I have to be A) scoped to fire and B) wait for the aiming aids reach to pinpoint before I'm even allowed to fire! 
Along with these stupid children no one really does any coordinated attacks all matches are decided in the first minute because by then it's usualy to late to stop the other team in any game mode. But the amaxing thing is, despite all this, its fun it really is. 
Now let's move onto something else, like my Christams haul. I like every other sane Steam gamer out there bought a ridiculous amount of games for on average 88% of the original cheap steam prices. I got about 8 games for $40 this on top of the ridiculous amount of games that my entire household got for Christmas, its going to take me all year to get through them all. 
Just one more thing before I send out this blog to all of you I saw Avatar quite a while ago, like the day after release. I didn't see it in 3D for 3 reasons: 
1. It doubled the already ridiculous ticket price 
2. One of the friends I saw it with doesn't have depth perception 
3. It ruins the vibrant colours of the movie! 
But it was a brilliant movie, of course it didn't stand up to the hype, no movie does, but it was still really good movie. Right up there with my other favourite movies: Watchmen, District 9, The Fifth Element and True Lies. So if you haven't seen it yet I really recommend it to you. Not many laughs there but no one really expected it have many. 
Thanks for reading my rather late 2009 wrap-up! 
p.s WALL OF TEXT!!!!