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Best of 2009

NinjaHeartless: Best of 2009

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  • I never played Baldur's Gate 2, so many may already think that invalidates my opinion, but this is the best WRPG I have ever played. Great action packed combat, fantastic characters, and that little "something" that makes you want to play it over and over and over....aaaaaand over again.

  • Its the fucking Beatles. What else do you want?

  • It honestly didn't change much from the original, but come on, did it really need to? Uncharted 2 is a fantastic sequel that, despite a few annoying bits, features an excellently paced storyline and surprisingly fun multiplayer

  • Its fucking Batman and it is actually a really amazing game! Imagine that!

  • Volition has made my favorite open world games of the next generation and Red Faction: Guerrilla is no different. Fantastic game with great destructible environments.

  • I only played the demo...for over 10 hours across multiple characters. I think that explains why it is on the list, I mean if I played the demo that much the full game would just be....damn, way too much awesomeness.

  • I loved Gearbox's Brother's In Arms series, but Borderlands is the commercial success that Randy and his boys have been looking for. And it is well deserved that game is absolutely fantastic in that shoot guys in the face and take their shit kinda way.

  • Haven't felt compelled to really dig into this one, but after playing through all of the campaigns I've decided that it at least deserves a mention on the list. A solid sequel