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My Night With Kevin Smith in Portland, OR

 What is an evening with Kevin Smith like in person? For a couple hours of a semi-famous guy to just stand on stage and answer questions it may seem over priced at $60 (after fees) but the truth is that you are under paying if you pay $100.

In short, make no mistake that a live Evening With Kevin Smith is the best time you will ever have....if you like Kevin Smith.

You see, if you know Kevin Smith from his movies, Twitter, SModcast, and previous Q&A DVDs and if that's your idea of funny then you will shit your pants laughing in person. If his stuff isn't your thing then it'll be hours of tedium and frustration.

The entire thing begins some what like a business meeting: the lighting doesn't change and a guy just says "Ladies and gentlemen, Kevin Smith" and then he just steps on stage and doesn't stop for over 3 hours. Once he got the audience back in their seats and quiet he lubricated the evening by telling a story about how gay his friend Malcolm Ingrim is and how the gay community classifies fat men as bears. This story takes maybe 15 minutes and then he says he's talked long enough and it's time for questions. Our first question involved who was the hardest entity to work with on a movie, be it an actor, studio, or whatever. This prompted a 40 minute story about making Cop Out with Bruce Willis and included a great impersonation of Mr. Willis. It's hilarious and I hope it shows up on the likely to be forthcoming 4th Evening With DVD.

Other topics covered included his stand off with a Good Morning America camera man, how there's no record stores anymore (except the one right out the window and across the street from the venue), his favorite scene in his Batman mini-series comic, and a variety of random other topics which mostly excluded his recent tangle with Southwest Airlines. Half the fun was also hearing people trying their hardest to make an impression in front of such a open and famous dude. An example was a guy who walked up to the mike and proclaimed he had a monologue to read Kevin and then spewed a few minutes of rambling nonsense about the audience member, Jason Mewes, and Kevin Smith breaking into a head shop and stealing a bunch of weed.

If Kevin Smith happens near you then I would recommend you do everything in your power to go, it's probably the best time I've had in my life. And speaking of weed, wait until you hear his grand finale tale of his first two experiences with smoking pot with his wife on their rare weekends without their daughter in the house. There is NO WAY this story doesn't make it to the next DVD and once you see it you'll be laughing to yourself for weeks and repeating "It's ropey, it's ropey" much to the confusion of those around you.

Kevin Smith, thank you sir and I hope you make it back to Portland soon!