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Back to Halo 3 (HELP!)

I've decided I'm going to give the Halo 3 multiplayer another shot. I am quite excited about ODST and I want to be half way decent by the time it comes out. I learned tonight this is going to take considerable practice.
The biggest problem is I don't know any of the maps. So I'm going to be playing as much as I can fit in over the next week.I will try to play at least one map a day and practice my aim. 
There are a few reasons I am going to back to play Halo 3:
1) Biggest community online for 360. Granted some of these people are screaming youngins but that is what all mute is for. 
2) ODST got me excited for Halo again. Also made me want to watch firefly, which I will be doing shortly. 
3) Bungie makes great maps. They are interesting and varied. Mostly, they actually seem quite balanced. 
4) Its just fun to play the game even though half the time my face is getting owned.
If any experienced Halo 3 players have any tips please share :). Or if anyone else wants to jump back onto the Halo 3 MP send me a PM! (Believe me when I say I need lots of practice though so don't expect me to be any good)