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Impression of the "Silent Hills" Teaser

Before I had even begun playing PT, the recently released "playable teaser" for the new Silent Hill game, I knew I was in for a treat. To find the game, it took a bit of digging through the recently released section, and even then it isn't obvious what the game is exactly. Of course, this is the intention, the description of the game is cryptic and the fun comes from discovering just what the game is. I never expected that the first game I would play on my PS4 that truly felt "next-gen", wouldn't even be a full game. As soon as the game begins some truly exceptional technical feats are put on display. Walls and objects are intricately detailed, perhaps more so than any other game I've played. The teaser runs on Hideo Kojima's FOX Engine, and because I didn't play Ground Zeroes I didn't know what the engine is capable of in terms of visual fidelity. I won't give any details on what takes place during the teaser, but rest assured this is one of the most terrifying games I've ever played, and it is quite unlike anything I've played before. When you buy a next-gen console, not only are you looking for the best in graphical technology, you also want experiences unlike anything you've ever seen. Games like Super Mario 64 and Wolfenstein 3D pushed boundaries to create something wholly new, but not since Bioshock in 2007 have I played a game as truly mind-blowing as PT. Sure, this may seem like an excessive word to use for what isn't even a "demo" and may not be representative of the final product, but damn is it impressive. All of the tiniest details in the environment, sound effects, and exceptional lighting and shadows, PT is unique and brilliantly immersive.

Be warned however, the game is quite obtuse at times, with little indication of where to go or what to do. Even though there are very few options of where to progress the game, getting stuck is a vital part of the experience. When the scares do come, they are all the more effective because of the long, confusion riddled buildup. I haven't actually beaten the game yet, after having banged my head against it for a few hours last night I retired and will hopefully finish it up today. I'm guessing most people will have trouble beating the game on their first try, or maybe I'm just stupid. In any case, PT is hands-down the best PS4 game I've played yet, and it leaves me extremely excited for whatever the finished version of "Silent Hills" will be. I have faith that Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro will craft the best horror game in years, and maybe even revitalize the genre.

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