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A game within a game.

Ok gonna try this whole blog writing thing out because of the new quest system. I gotta say I'm really kinda of digging it. Right now in my world of gaming has been consumed wholly by FFXIII. I've now sunk two days of my life into it and I feel like I'm rushing threw it as I didn't do much in grand pulse. I'm really digging it now even more so that I know what the hell is going on. I really don't understand all the hate on the game though. It's an FF game and by that nature not for every one but even FF fans I know have given up on it. I just don't get it, I really like the battle system a lot enjoying the story and really don't mind the characters, expect for hope he could die at any time and I wouldn't cry. In any case I know the whole it gets better thing is not a good argument but it does, and even though I was just more or less hitting a for the first 15 hours I was still having a good time. Alright that's all for now might try this again later. 
On a side note the "Rick Roll" has ruined youtube. Fuck you Rick Astley and fuck you to the people who still think the RIck Roll is funny, it's not.

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This page doesn’t exist. We’re willing to bet that it’s because you pasted in some dodgy URL that a “friend” of yours sent you. We think that means you should really take stock of your life and the people in it. After all, friends don’t send friends broken links.

Either that or something really weird and/or bad happened on our end. I mean, I guess that’s possible.