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3.7 stars

Average score of 6 user reviews

A Charming Genre Mash Up That Works Far Better Than It Should 0

Everything in this game works much better than I ever would have assumed, from the world transversal to the silly but charming story. The controls felt perfectly suited for the Switch as well with the shoulder buttons on either side of the wide screen feeling reminiscent of a pinball tabel's flipper controls. I only wish it lasted longer; the 5 hour length ran out abruptly and left me only half full. While the world feels very lively and varied, it does feel a little small and I feel as if th...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

It's Alive! For Better or Worse, It's Alive! 0

Unfortunately, I was more engaged by this game when thinking about its troubled development backstory than I was when actually fighting its battles and living in its world. I can't un-know that this game suffered many delays and was passed through multiple directors' hands and changed titles more than once and, frankly, that was often all I could think about while playing. It felt like a true Frankenstein's monster, the game seems to be several different titles stitched together in odd places, s...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A Disaster of Cliches, Half-Baked Ideas and Poor Acting Only Faintly Redeemed In Its Final Act 0

For all of its explosions, gun fights and chase scenes, I was most blown away by A Way Out's pedigree than any of its action scenes. That this ham-fisted, clunker of a game could come from the same gentle touch that made Brothers back in 2013 is baffling. Evidently, less is more with this creator and having to work with a smaller budget and scope ends up saving them from themselves as every luxury of production - be it voice acting or a slightly more open world - only left a gaping hole of polis...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Styyyyyyyyle and substance too. 0

Put together with a soft touch that I've rarely found in games. By that I mean, genuinely funny without being slapstick or filled with internet humor, genuinely touching without being preachy or heavy handed, genuinely spooky without jump scares or excessive gore and unpredictable while maintaining direction and a consistent tone. Great art, great dialogue, and even great editing. I feel as though a lot of games with these sorts of David Lynch inspired mysteries only end up dropping the ball the...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Gone Fire Watchin' 0

A beautiful, well written "walking simulator" that skews a little too close too the rhythm and outline laid down by Gone Home. The location and pace and style and themes are different from 95% of other games out there, and that's hugely appreciated. But the back half of the story and it's resolution borrows a little too much from a game that most players have probably already played if they have an interest in this one....

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A perfect little gem of a game, small in scope and better for it. 0

Brothers' scope is decidedly small. A young man and an even younger man trying to save their father's life by adventuring the world may not exactly be small stakes, but that's relative. Compared to most world or universe in peril plots or games that take on armies or aliens, Brothers can seem quaint. It's also short and cheap and light on plot, characters and even controls. Even the central mechanic - its unique control scheme - is a simple one, but therein lies the rub: Brothers has so many one...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.