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E3, the Aqua comeback and my leg

So the past 3 days have been E3. Nice stuff . But I only got to watch the Sony conference live. I didn't get home in time for the Microsoft and Nintendo ones. But what so ever, I watched the Microsoft one later on and watched some of the (boring) Nintendo conference. Anybody else agree it sucked? Anywho, the Microsoft conference was really amazing and the Sony one was also great! The new movie buying thing on both consoles look extremely good and I bet there will be bought TONS of movies. The avatar thing for the 360 looks fine too. Especially the achievement thing about it. For example if you do something great in a game, lets say gears of war, your avatar could unlock the chainsaw rifle for example. That is just genius and the second entry in the gears of war series looks really good too so I cant wait!!!

Another story I want to tell about is the Aqua comeback. Which was once named the best pop band in the world and I totally agree. And so I went to a danish concert, Green Concert, to see these pop legends come back. And they were truely amazing. Old songs were outstanding as always and news songs is sure to become new top hits!

Check out my recorded video to see them performing their 3 top songs. Cartoon Heroes, My oh my and Dr. Jones:

The Aqua Comeback 08'

Another little story is my leg. I was in a play area with my little cousin and I had to take a slide down something wierd and on the way down I fell out (...) and landed on my right leg. And ehm, I kind of broke it, it isn't broken but, it hurts REALLY much so I cant really do something good the next couple of days which is fine because... Lord of the Rings Online arrived! **** YEAH!!! I must say, that game is terrible at first because there is so much to do, but now 10 levels in, this game is a masterpiece. God its good. I will be gaming this a lot the next couple of days I am sure .

Well, thanks for reading this blog .

Be happy!
