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Things I Hate in Gaming Podcasts

  1. Talking about how they "do not play PC games" or something like that. Seriously, if you consider yourself a professional, then this is bullshit. Granted, this is rare. Still bullshit, tough.
  2. Talking about not talking about a game because of the embargo. Dudes, we get it: you get to play games early. You can't talk about them until some date. Then don't ! Talking about how you can't talk about something is pointless.
  3. Saying the exact same things everybody is saying. This is pretty much a gaming site's worst disease. So, right now everyone is going on about Mass Effect 2, like there's NOTHING else to talk about. Get's boring fast. 
  4. People who interrupt other people. Dude, if you can't wait your turn and be polite enough to wait for someone to make a point, then you shouldn't be on a podcast. Period.
  5. People who talk too fast like they are on a run. Slow down...give it a second thought. I don't mind. Thinking before talking usually works out for the best.
  6. Not enough female hosts. I know Lee Alexander's appearence on the Bombcast wasn't the smoothest thing but I thought it was mostly awesome. C'mom ladies, get your voice out there, macho gaming land needs you !
  7. (edit) When they are split in two parts, one of wich you have no access to unless you pay the $
Honestly, the Bombcast rarely falls into these traps, I think. The guys manage to run a really tight and entertaining show, never take themselves too seriously, agree to disagree and keep a very nice flow to the proceedings. I think most other shows have to catch up. That said, what are your favourite gaming podcasts besides the Bombcast ?