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@awesomeusername: Maybe you would have more constructive reply if you read whole thing but cool

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@bybeach: @efesell: Yes it bothers me. I want to have fun and wearing different shit costumes. I dont mean her to sex her up. Though why not to yes to that too? Just make it optional there are like 20 costumes in the game and all looks like color swaps or total bullshit.

I want unique costumes, Like a robot costume with feathers. Pharoah costume, cleopatra costume maybe, modern outfit (her science mother outfit). Possibilities are endless. In the end those are extra costumes. I dont care if they break game's so called realism.

I literally bought one stupid outfit and completed whole game with it. Because all others looks trash.

While in AssCreed games they have crazy amount of costumes,outfits etc and all look pretty fun. If they have no creativity atleast crossover some other game maybe Ellie costume idk? Gravity Rush girl


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Kinda but what did you meant by face button ( x ? ) . most buttons are crowded so it makes sense assign L3 to it.

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Hi lets discuss improvements/changes for next game. While i liked a lot of aspects of game , i hated some and disliked bunch of other things in game.

Just gonna write things i didn't like or should be changed

- Climbing system , it's bad you can't climb anywhere on the world but awkwardly jump to get mission areas, Climbing should be like zelda breath of wild. Use ICE Axes like in Modern Warfare 2. L2,R2 , L2, R2 to climb

- Hook to travel. A travel hook/grapple would be too fun and i just missed and wanted to use it in game. Our rope could have this feature we could aim etc , doesn't have to be like uncharted 4 which only hook on scripted areas.

- Use more instructive about your game mechanics. It says Triangle to mount but you can jump to them and mount already. I saw a lot of things like these in the game not explained to user. I don't know which mechanics in the game. I thought climbing was uncharted/assassin's creed but it was not. Then mounting is like RDR but you don't say it. Very bad idea.

- Flying mounts. It's a must to be honest. So cool idea to not do. Flying mount wars also but dont go over do it like Arkham Knight tank thing. Just enough .

-Better outfits. All Aloy outfits sucked , give her some cool outfits. I don't wanna look like boring piece of thing. Also make outfits change her hairstyle,lips,eyebrows etc.. Really go crazy on outfits , its darn stupid not to. Go fan service.

- Overlapping audio clips/game clips. Damn stupid , one of them should stop and continue after other finished. GTA,Uncharted etc doing this amazingly.

- Side Quest that aren't boring ass.I literally hate all side quests in this game. Meaningless , boring side quests. Make great ones like Witcher 3, Arkham City, GTA etc.. Maybe cut number of it but make them great !

- Too much text/audio/etc collectible. Don't rely telling story on these. Stupid game tactics , i hate going menus and watching reading some useless text to get info about game lore. Tell them in game, side quests, paintings on wall and more.

- Make more puzzles, i liked puzzles but there were like 2-3 of them. Make more meaningful puzzles , only ones in the game are changing arrows. Are you guys forgot to make game?

-Secrets. Game doesnt have any. make secret weapons,outfits,side quests maybe even gang. Areas.

- NPCs looks boring , make them different looking npcs.

-NPCS are useless in the game. Make them interact with each other also playable character.

-NO Fun activities or anythng to do in game. Why?? Its damn stupid. There should be games,events based on world of horizon. Card games, finger knife game type of thing maybe, circus maybe (you can shoot things with arrow and get items etc?) , there are so many possibilities based on world about robots and first civilization about mini games.

- Completely new melee combat . Melee was horrible beyond the shit in this game. I know they want arrow kinda focus but make melee much better. Devote a new skill tree to melee. Learn combos from them , make combos fluid not animation weight slow. Its so stupid there could be a lot of melee potentials.

- Make more melee weapons to utilize new melee combat. Axes, Maces,Swords etc. Though dont make them 10 version of them. treat melee weapons as unique. Just one Sword, one axe etc. Just like rope and other things.

- Make that calling mount skill in game from beginning. Aloy learned due ending of game etc .. Makes game more fun , its stupid every time to override a machine. maybe even modifiy your mount.

- New Robot types. Gorilla Robots, King Kong ,Monkey types which hangs on tress etc ..type of boss maybe, More dinos. go crazy about it .

- Enemies on mounts with spears or some kind of limited guns.

- Water gameplay. ( Water machines etc)

- Make animals and wildlife useful or remove it all together. Stupid to have animals just for fast travel

- Robots spawning mechanism needs overhaul. Sometimes they are everwhere in the world.

- Camera fixes, it gets too close on combat sometimes , just little back it off.

- no camera zoom in cities

- Make Aloy a bit more joky/lighter in some conversations. A bit too serious I feel. Maybe its ok for the main story but for side quests she could show a bit more personality

- Spread audio logs if you are gonna keep them, waiting 20 min in a room listening these types isnt fun at all.

- Pve Missions that you can do coop. Totally hunting missions or side quests. Not related to main story at all.(not sure if it wold work).

Other than graphics and animations are god tier. Beyond anything i seen. Main story was very cool even though beginning chapters kinda meh and boring. Go on more about robot vs human thing rather than colonies civil fight. Also maybe use more playable flashbacks to Operation Victory or something to old days when robots first fucked up. Use more flashbacks in general.

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Yeah it is, though most players gone for pubg. Newer players come everyday