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Today I talked to a wheelchair extremist.

I was on the bus and talking to this lady. She mentioned that she was part of an advocacy group that has the goal of making sure businesses are accessible to people with handicaps. It's a good cause; there's no reason in this day and age that being in a wheelchair should keep you from riding the bus or going to the bank or getting some baller ice cream.  But their methods are..... damn.
Anyway,  they have these organizers whose job is to walk around and find public places that aren't accessible. They make a note of it and then start calling their members. The lady I was talking to said that she'll get a call at 10 AM that there's a restaurant in a city two hours away that has bathrooms that aren't accessible. So their caravan of "wheelchair warriors," as they call themselves, will go there at the drop of a hat and order iced tea. They'll go into the bathroom and say  "Oh hey, we can't use these. We're going to stay in these bathrooms until we can use them." So they go and martyr themselves in the bathroom.  Or they might get a call that a city has buses that aren't quite accessible enough for their leader's liking. Their response is to chain themselves to the front.
The lady I talked to has been arrested several times. She takes it as a badge of honor that the government has her photo and her fingerprints . Her organization is classified by the US government as a "nonviolent civil disobedience group" and is listed in a category she says is just one step below the Black Panthers.
That's nice, but have you ever heard of filing a complaint? "You are in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which makes it much more difficult for me to become a regularly paying customer" sounds a lot less crazy than "Oh, I cannot pee here so I'm gonna PUT THIS STALL ON LOCKDOWN UNTIL YOU INSTALL SOME DAMN RAILS." But maybe that's just me.