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Nerdboy Blog: 04

No Dark Knight today :(  Which is made worse by the fact that I'll be leaving for New York early Sunday!  ARGH!  Oh well.  I get back from New York next Sunday...hopefully I don't miss too much on Giant Bomb.  Any way I finally got my cheeseburger today!  Man it was sooooo good too.  :D

In other news I've got submissions sitting on 3 days.....THREE!  Man I would hate to have those guy's jobs.  At this rate they'll be swamped throughout the next year.....ok maybe not that long.  I'm sure things will start to pick up once people hit 1000.

Also came across something pretty funny today.  I don't have the link.  But on the a playstation forum some guy was talking about how he bought the new Siren game.  Well apparently on his msn was added and gave him cryptic messages.  What looked to be something really cool turned out to be just the guy's friend messing with him.  The guy said his hotmail was what he signed up with for the psn and that would have been how the game had gotten it or something.  Can't remember...but I thought it was pretty funny. 

Anyway this is my last blog till I return from New I'll talk to ya all at some point later....maybe....just maybe..... 

EDIT!!!! Turns out I got to see the Dark KNight!!!!  OMG AMAZING!



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Edited By PenguinNerd

No Dark Knight today :(  Which is made worse by the fact that I'll be leaving for New York early Sunday!  ARGH!  Oh well.  I get back from New York next Sunday...hopefully I don't miss too much on Giant Bomb.  Any way I finally got my cheeseburger today!  Man it was sooooo good too.  :D

In other news I've got submissions sitting on 3 days.....THREE!  Man I would hate to have those guy's jobs.  At this rate they'll be swamped throughout the next year.....ok maybe not that long.  I'm sure things will start to pick up once people hit 1000.

Also came across something pretty funny today.  I don't have the link.  But on the a playstation forum some guy was talking about how he bought the new Siren game.  Well apparently on his msn was added and gave him cryptic messages.  What looked to be something really cool turned out to be just the guy's friend messing with him.  The guy said his hotmail was what he signed up with for the psn and that would have been how the game had gotten it or something.  Can't remember...but I thought it was pretty funny. 

Anyway this is my last blog till I return from New I'll talk to ya all at some point later....maybe....just maybe..... 

EDIT!!!! Turns out I got to see the Dark KNight!!!!  OMG AMAZING!

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Edited By shadows_kill

by the time you get back i will pass you up. then you pass me up when im in portland

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Edited By LiquidPrince

Who's gonna pass me up? =P