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ColorBlend FX: Desaturation Prologue is now available on Steam!

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Edit # Wiki page Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
279091 ColorBlend FX: Desaturation Game Updated the description 04/04/24 10:18AM 38 approved
170418 New Release Release 07/23/21 09:45AM 10 approved
127130 New Release Release 07/30/20 11:42AM 10 approved
127129 ColorBlend FX Game 07/30/20 11:25AM 53 approved
101618 ColorBlend FX Game Added description to the game page. 03/13/20 07:42AM 206 approved
101617 New Game Game The game is in early access and will soon have some full featured demo, I need it added in order to raise some awareness and also to be included in Twitch. Currently, the game have a early WIP demo in Itch, here: I'm pasting the full article I wrote here, because the field above truncates my text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERVIEW ColorBlend FX an upcoming puzzle-platformer metroidvania game in a fictional setting, in development by Petar Petrov (PeterSvP). It's built on Unity3D game engine. The game tells a story about a fictional race, the Splatians, and their villain, the evil Lord Ashen, who ate the colors from the world and Splatians must cooperate to restore it. GAMEPLAY ColorBlend FX is puzzle-platformer metroidvania game, inspired by Ori, Limbo, Inside, Little Nightmares and old classics like Super Mario and Zelda. The player controls a player-named Splatian who must interact with the world. The world is mono-colored with some objects popping out with strong, vivid colors. Player's color changes based of what he does in the game world. Jumping in red water pool will colorize the Splatian red. Squishing a green slime will splatter green paint around and will colorize objects and the player in green. Other gameplay elements include pulling switches/valves, solving color puzzles, collecting coins and artifacts, fixing colored electricity that powers specific colored objects, stomping and avoiding different slimes, and others. There is a shop-keeper where player can purchase different items to help him progress further with the game, using the Slime Essence as the primary currency in the game. The game world is one big continous world divided in sections which player gains access based on abilities he obtains during gameplay. It also features a fast traveling system which player unlocks when specific story event takes place. STORY It's just another evening where splatians sit around the campfire at the center of Splatian's village. And again, as usual, the nerd scientist Sparkle is running late for the chit-chat. But this evening is more special. Sparkle comes and demonstrates his new invention: a water-pistol-like device that spreads Rainbow Powder - a special substance brought by the goddess Ranina that colorizes objects with different color "essence". He demonstrates it by shooting powder at the fire whose flames turn rainbow in color. This enrages Lord Ashen - a thunder-cloudy-like creature. He calls his minions - the Ash-Ing Clan - to summon him via special ritual. When summoned, he explains that Splatians are progressing with theirs research about the Rainbow Powder and they must be stopped, because the intelligence of the mysterious Mrs. Taylor should only be known by Ash-ing Clan. Then, Ashen states he's hungry and eats the colors out, stating that Splatians won't survive for long. Splatians, by helping each other, cooperate to recover the world. 03/13/20 07:30AM 0 denied
100926 New Game Game I'm the game developer, the game is still WIP however I am looking towards it being included in before it's released 03/09/20 08:31AM 10 approved