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B-horror classic - Infested (aka Ticks - 1993)

Well, it has Seth Green, Clint Howard (more deformed than usual) and  Alfonso Ribeiro (Carlton from Fresh Prince of Bel Air) and a whole herd of killer, marijuana-growth-hormone fueled ectoparasites.

Problem teens in Los Angeles join an inner-city wilderness project in and attempt to get back in touch with life's priorities, led by do-gooders Holly and Charles. When they get to the campsite, they begin having problems adjusting to the wild life, particularly local marijuana growers using herbal steroids to accelerate plant growth, and the mutated ticks that the leaky steroid system has created. 
What this movie taught me:
  • If there is a large moving lump on your chest, you probably should not shoot it with a gun
  • Anabolic steroids are equally as effective as narcotics for use as pain relief
  • The knee, even if stabbed and largely destroyed, does not affect your ability to run

 Clint Howard on his way to the set enjoying a jawbreaker
 Clint Howard on his way to the set enjoying a jawbreaker

 I think he is giving the tick a blowjob as it shoots up heroin
 I think he is giving the tick a blowjob as it shoots up heroin

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