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B-movie classic - Dead Alive (aka Braindead - 1992)

This movie is argued as the goriest movie of all-time involving scenes of cutting a scathe through a zombie horde with a push lawnmower and the escape from an enormous zombie uterus - this final scene reportedly used 300 liters of fake blood.  Then it smacks you right in the nuts that the director of this oddly genius film is Peter Jackson.  YES, THAT PETER JACKSON.  It is difficult to describe in words how truly disgusting and disturbing many of the scenes in this movie are presented and range from zombie sex, zombie birth, non-zombies eating pudding where zombie pimple-juice has been squirted and more.  Check out the pictures below after the plot summary and hopefully you haven't eaten this month.

 In 1957, a zoologist traps a rare Sumatran rat-monkey on Skull Island and brings it back to New Zealand with the locals hot on his trail. Later, a young man falls in love and takes the young woman to the zoo. His overbearing and disapproving mother follows them and gets bitten by the rat-monkey. The monkey's bite turns her into a zombie, and her doting son has to keep her and the others she's bitten tranquilized in the basement while trying to preserve his love life.  
Well, I warned you, here are more pictures.  I apologize in advance.

 Christopher Lloyd enjoying some unique heroin injection techniques
 Christopher Lloyd enjoying some unique heroin injection techniques

 Actual child birth is much more disgusting than this
 Actual child birth is much more disgusting than this

 This scene would take roughly 30 minutes and a dry erase board to explain
 This scene would take roughly 30 minutes and a dry erase board to explain

 So many BJ jokes, so little space
 So many BJ jokes, so little space