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I appreciated the absurd and dark comedy in the game, but I wish the ending was a little more stupid, honestly. That credit sequence was amazing though.

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The most exciting part of a sponsored "salty suite" is that they probably won't get kicked out due to noise complaints. That is always a danger at every tourney, and it's hard to find games at night cause people are too loud and get kicked out. It didn't happen last year at the anime suite that Jiyuna did, so hopefully that goes as well this year.

I've been to evo for like 4 years in a row but I have to miss this year, I really wanted to compete in P4u2 cause this is probably the only year it will be a main game. Hope I can go to CEOtaku this fall.

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#4  Edited By Pfhorlol

I really need to get this out, I am not a backer of this game but I did buy Act 1 and loved it. I am also a huge fan of older adventure games like Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Grim Fandago, and unlike some of the Giant Bombcast folks I am "sure" I liked them.

Man, Act 1 was so good, it sets up so much great stuff and has a perfect mix of puzzle solving and exploring new areas. It seemed to understand the general adventure game hook, where puzzles are a vehicle to unlock more areas to explore and more dialog options. Being only one act of the story, it did all this on a small scale, but was still paced pretty well for what it was. Combined with some great characters and funny dialog, really seemed like Double Fine was hitting its stride.

Act 2 is a mess. As fun as it is to explore Vella's areas as Shay, and Shay's ship as Vella, these segments really should have been much shorter and lead to brand new parts of the world. This is not the case, almost the entirety of Act 2 takes place in the same areas as Act 1. What's more, all of the areas Shay explores are unlocked already, and Vella has to do puzzles to unlock the same areas you already explored as Shay in Act 1. It cannot be understated how much this hurts the game, despite almost everything else about it being relatively well done. Even though Broken Age has puzzle design that's about on par with older adventure games, the lack of pacing between puzzles and new environments as rewards just makes everything seem like work after a while. It just gets worse in the latter parts of the game, where the game has ridiculously contrived reasons to keep Vella on Mog Chogthra and Shay on Alex's ship (where he gets to explore the only 4 completely new screens in act 2) during the game's climax. It would be like if the entirety of Monkey Island took place on the ship, no matter how much the ship changed to create new puzzles it would still get old fast.

Going beyond the lack of new exploration, the story doesn't go anywhere very interesting, and the weird subconcious bond between Vella and Shay doesn't get too much explanation or closure. The dialog remains funny and strong, and the overall themes of the story are great, which by itself might make it worth playing for some. I don't regret playing it, but it did seem like a wasted opportunity considering the potential from Act 1.

Thanks for reading this rant.

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#6  Edited By Pfhorlol
@noelveiga said:

Oh, while we're speaking of annoying bugs in HWR... I changed my bindings to make B the toggle for the build order menu because why would you ever want it to stick open by default? Well, the game loses that binding every time I boot it, although it has successfully forgotten the default binding for the togle (shift+B). Anybody else having weirdness with custom keyboard shortcuts?

Yeah I have this same problem, have to change that bind everytime I open the game. Also another weird bug occurs when I alt tab and go back into the game, it makes my cursor position reset to the middle of the screen every time I hold the right mouse button to move the camera.

Also, here's some video of my 2 biggest problems with this game right now, I'd be more than willing to accept the changes they made to the core balance if they address these issues: - Support Frigates have really nerfed range, and the AI freaks out when you tell them to heal each other. - Formations don't work, as stated in the topic. I don't know about making strike craft as good at strafing and aiming as they are in HW1, but at least make them keep formation, and allow sphere formation for a high risk high damage method of making targets dead.

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#7  Edited By Pfhorlol

I came to this site after I learned that Ryan passed away, it was all over the news. I wanted to know more about him, so I started listening to every bombcast available and along the way just enjoyed the rest of the site and still do.

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@mrmathias said:

@zeik: I think it's more based on the fact that pretty much nobody has Microsoft consoles in Japan, so Atlus's JP branch just didn't focus on it nearly as much as the PS3 version. I really think the only hope that Lobby Mode has of making it in the 360 version is if Atlus USA worked on patching it in, but again, the chances of that happening are probably pretty slim.

I don't think it's even being released on 360 in Japan.

Yeah it isn't, it's a good effort on Atlus's part to port it to 360 for release over here. Shame about no arcade lobby though.

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#9  Edited By Pfhorlol
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I saw all of Korra season 1 and thought it was meh but had potential, but the first half of season 2 really didn't make me want to watch the rest of it. The super prominent and poorly written romance subplots and lack of any characters I can get attached to turned me off.

I guess I should anyway just to know how it turned out though.

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