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Five antagonists I want to play RISK with

The idea is simple. I was wondering what powerful antagonists I'd like to sit down with, and play a round of RISK with. People I'd find fascinating to converse over their accomplishments and their tactics and motivations. I'm not saying they're my favorite antagonists, though they pretty much are, but I find them the most interesting to play a nice game of RISK, and have a chat with.

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  • This one would be a tough one to beat. Have a feeling I haven't already lost because he simply allows it. But with some draw of the luck, and using his overconfidence against him; I'm sure I could come out on top. Shame he has no face. Because I'd love to see his reaction when my cavalry steamrolls his army beyond HIS comprehension... Kane's army that is... Wait, what? Sovereign, stop that!

  • Half the battle would be to try and stare this guy down, an obviously impossible task. But it would allow me to strike him down on the play field while he's busy being awesome.

  • He will be really tough to play with. He'll have so much resources and might even offer an alliance, but will more than likely stab you in the back. But for some reason we'll probably have a drink and laugh about it afterwards. He sure can talk his way out of anything.

  • Human or Zerg, it would be interesting to see her shake things up on the board by infesting the pawns. Not exactly easy to play with a telepathic either. "Don't think dirty thoughts, don't think dirty thoughts, don't think dirty thoughts, don't think dirty thoughts, don't stare at her body... Stop reading my mind, Kerrigan!"

  • She's a smart one, but easy to beat once you figure out her strategy and deviate from her plan. She would also be amusing to the rest by being a good sport about it, up until she actually looses. She always takes it so personal!


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I would also like all 5 of them on a single poker table. I can just imagine the threats, bluffing, and showboating spewing out of it.